Statement of Principles

Nevada government keeps getting bigger and BIGGER. We deserve minimum, strictly limited, constitutional government in this State.

Forget all this blather about a $3B "shortfall". The budget for the '12/'13 biennium should be no more than $200M.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Republicrat Consensus

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The rare bipartisan accord between the Republican governor and the Democrat-controlled Nevada Legislature

What the heck are these reporters talking about? Their differences are tiny compared to their BIG government consensus.

The biennial budget is funded through sales taxes, gaming taxes, business taxes and so forth. This represents what the crooked politicians can discretionally spend. A year ago those taxes were generating ~$3.0B/yr. Fibbons proposed a budget with room taxes and higher sales taxes to lift that figure to $3.2B/yr. The DEMs gladly went along.


The Republicrat legislature wanted to spend $3.4B/yr. Only $200M/yr (6.2%) more than Fibbons.

Going into the weekend tax revenues had fallen to ~$2.4B/yr. Fibbons wanted an extra $50M-100M/yr. The Democrats all for it.


Seems to me that the DEMs were pushing for only another $50M (2%) above that.

We have two political parties in this state. The Republicrats (the BIG Government Coalition) and the Small Government opposition (libertarians). The former has an ~80% market share. The latter <2%.

The rest are too busy watching TV to notice.

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