Statement of Principles

Nevada government keeps getting bigger and BIGGER. We deserve minimum, strictly limited, constitutional government in this State.

Forget all this blather about a $3B "shortfall". The budget for the '12/'13 biennium should be no more than $200M.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Livengood's Fuzzy Accounting

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum
[Livengood] kept [UAZ Athletic] department in the black

For college sports you can't really talk about black/red in a way that makes business sense. How can you claim to make a "profit" when your *star* employees are officially unpaid? Or is involuntary servitude legal in Arizona?

How can you claim to make a profit when you don't even make a good-faith attempt to account for your expenses? For example, the cost of tossing admission/grading standards. Athletic Dept accountants never factor in the cost of the numerous basketweaving departments which need to be maintained to give jocks academic cover, like Sociology, Physical Education, Sports Management, etc. Those real costs are conveniently shifted to social "science" college budgets. The old shell game.

FYI, that "$28M subsidy" figure is over the biennium.

Sorry, but UNLV will not renounce federal funding. Title IX *stays*.

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