Statement of Principles

Nevada government keeps getting bigger and BIGGER. We deserve minimum, strictly limited, constitutional government in this State.

Forget all this blather about a $3B "shortfall". The budget for the '12/'13 biennium should be no more than $200M.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Small Government Manifesto

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

I oppose BIG government and the high taxes necessary to pay for it. If we had small government in this state, the biennial budget could be set as low as $80M/yr. Existing mining taxes and ~3 weeks of sales taxes would cover it. That's right.

The Nevada Constitution REQUIRES that the State fund:

  1. The 3 Branches. A small government legislature would only need to meet 1 wk per 2 yrs. Token honoraria; no PERS. ($50K)
  2. One public school/district (18 statewide). $125K/school. (~$2M).
  3. Prisons and juvie. Budget opaque. Too many non-violents in jail. Release them.
  4. A militia. One CO ($50K); the rest Reserves.
  5. Institutions for mental patients and handicapped. Budget opaque. Could probably be cut by 80%.
  6. Three endowed UNR departments (Mining, Agriculture, and Engineering). Tuition pays for everything else. ($0).
  7. Assorted bureaucracies like AG, Sec of State, State Superintendent, etc. (<$10M)

That's all. The legislature could simply vote everything else out of existence. Bye bye NSHE dunderhead jocks, junk depts, NFL/NBA/MLB-pay scale coaches, GM executive pay scale campus officials, etc. Bye bye $400K mental hospital shrinks and prison doctors. Bye bye Dairy Commission, Taxicab Authority, and dozens of other ridiculous bureaucracies.

Bye bye Rulffes and his *catastrophic* CCSD. No more sinecures for DEM union members and lucrative contracts for GOP service firms. No more left wing indoctrination of "tolerance". No more right wing indoctrination of "abstinence". No more RD-certified junk food in cafeteria, and Phd-certified junk science texts in classrooms.

Tax revenues are currently running ~$2.4B/yr. The legislature spends ~ALL of it on pork. Send us REBATE checks instead. ~$1,000 per resident. Either that or eliminate business taxes, gaming taxes, entertainment taxes, etc.

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