Statement of Principles

Nevada government keeps getting bigger and BIGGER. We deserve minimum, strictly limited, constitutional government in this State.

Forget all this blather about a $3B "shortfall". The budget for the '12/'13 biennium should be no more than $200M.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Townhall With Smatresk

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Nobody asks Smatresk the obvious questions.
  1. Why do you deserve to be paid $300K/yr? Are you worth >twice what we pay Gibbons?
  2. Why do you pay your head football coach $450K/yr and his assisants $125K? Is UNLV a NFL farm team?
  3. Why do you pay your head basketball coach $1M/yr and *his* assistants $130K? Is UNLV a NBA farm team?
  4. Isn't true that the decision to phase out "University Studies" was made a few YEARS ago, after critics and media noted that only JOCKS majored in it, that it had no objective standards, and yet few completed it?
  5. Isn't it true you simply RENAMED "University Studies" as "Interdisciplinary Studies"?
  6. Why do you preserve *that* JUNK department? Isn't it true that Interdisciplinary only serves to provide academic cover to jocks?
  7. What percentage of your football and basketball players ever graduate? Isn't it significantly < non-athletes?
  8. How much do your sports marketing partners -- t-shirts, posters, TV, etc -- make off your teams?
  9. Why do you fund a law school? Are there too few laws and lawyers in this state?
  10. How many UNLV buildings named after state politicians?
  11. How many of your employees are related by family or marriage to current or ex state legislators?
  12. How much money does UNLV spend on lobbyists?
Tick tick. I'm pretty good with numbers so don't try to baffle me with statistics.

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