Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum
CCSD parent Joni Trageton said: It's scary what's going on .. They're cutting into the sports program. [Good Heaven's. NO!] I've seen the arts get cut, special needs get cut, even a program like GATE
What's the big deal? CCSD has already eliminated the 3R's. Why should arts, football, and G&T be protected from mere *cuts*?
Can we please stop talking about Republican style, big government ideas like vouchers?! Government solutions DON'T WORK. Government money always comes with strings. When private schools become dependent upon public funding they'll start performing like PUBLIC schools. Besides, government funding (such as vouchers) will just draw shady education operators into the market. Like those huckster trade schools who advertise on TV, and lure you with info that you might qualify for "government loans".
COMPETITION works. Get the government completely OUT of education. Almost overnight new private schools will come into the marketplace to fill the demand for quality education services. For all tastes and price-points. Religious schools, secular schools, arts schools, football schools, etc. $20,000 per year schools, $20 per week schools. And on and on. This is all so obvious. The only reason we haven't gone this route yet is because the Republicrats are beholden to the special interests" Democrats to the education unions, and Republicans to the education contractors.
Last I checked, by law homeschooled kids have the right to play on district sports teams. Though my kids would probably benefit from having access to the facilities and playing at competitive levels, we *still* won't take advantage of it. We don't want ANYTHING to do with CCSD.
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