Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum
Liberal arts courses should be strictly limited to those which further the mission of applied science education. An engineer should know how to write an essay.
If I were a Regent, English Comp (or testing out of it) would be required. Liberal arts courses like Drama and Beowulf would NOT be available. Math, physics, etc are fundamental to applied science. A wide variety of such courses would be available. Many (ie two semesters of Calculus) are standard requirements, anyhow. I suppose enough would be offerred to make a dual-major program possible.
If I were a Regent, I would likely approve such an option. "History of Science", "Engineering Economics", etc are courses which should be available as electives. Peloponesian War, Marx's Theory of Capital, etc. would not.
If I were a Regent, there would be no liberal arts departments. The courses would be taught by contractors.
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