Statement of Principles

Nevada government keeps getting bigger and BIGGER. We deserve minimum, strictly limited, constitutional government in this State.

Forget all this blather about a $3B "shortfall". The budget for the '12/'13 biennium should be no more than $200M.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Public Projects: Buy Now Pay Later

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Library District executive director Jeanne Goodrich mentioned that libraries will buy fewer books .. patrons will wait longer for popular books, some printed materials will be eliminated, fewer events, and library hours could be shortened.

But Goodrich's sinecure will be safe.

The crooked politiicians always sell these (patronage jobs/contracts) spending programs (libraries, transit, community colleges, etc) to us by promising the sky. Which is what they have to do, because nobody will vote to fund these things unless they come with all the bells-&-whistles. When the cutbacks inevitably occur, the hot-button, attractive features are the first things to go.

Taxpayers are stuck paying for the high fixed costs of these programs -- with little to show for it.

*Public* libraries ARE Socialist. So are public pools, public education, public transportation, and all the other public this-&-that's. We used to have PRIVATE libraries in this country. I imagine they always had several copies of Mark Twain's latest novel in-stock, in good condition, at competitive rates. The proprietor (librarian) didn't have a degree in Library "Science" and he voted for small government.

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