Statement of Principles

Nevada government keeps getting bigger and BIGGER. We deserve minimum, strictly limited, constitutional government in this State.

Forget all this blather about a $3B "shortfall". The budget for the '12/'13 biennium should be no more than $200M.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Government Employees Recommend .. MORE Government

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

More gaming & mining taxes? A personal income tax? Don't state employees have to sign loyalty oaths anymore? Those professional coffee-drinkers give to new meaning to the phrase "public servant".

The problem is *not* that Nevada taxes are too low, it's that spending is too HIGH. How high? I conservatively estimate that the biennial budget, which feeds the general fund and is only ~1/3 of total state spending, is 20X too much.

I don't want to hear anything more from imbeciles like that guy who wants to reorganize the Taxicab Authority. If we abolish public education we'll save BILLIONS per year.

While CCSD Fails, Rulffes Ponders Bureaucratic Minutia

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Rulffes said the schools might be restructured as empowerment schools .. He wasn't sure if the schools would necessarily be classified as empowerment schools.

That's why we pay him the big bucks. Maybe Rulffes should hire a consultant to study the issue?

Almost All NV Public Schools Are "Low Achieving"

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

NV Department of Education bureaucrat St. Clair sort of said The definitions [of persistently low-achieving schools] are broad enough that all schools in some Nevada districts could be nominated

And probably >85% of CCSD schools. In the real world failure is *punished*. Public schools have incentives to FAIL.

$1M/yr Kruger Gets Knee Surgery

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Get well soon, then resign!

I have no problem with pro athletes/coaches making millions. I don't care how much Bishop Gorman's coaching staff or players make. I *do* care when Nevada taxpayers (one of whom I happen to be) are FORCED to pay for it. I've already bought *your* tickets.

The public sector is not supposed to be a place to get rich. That's what the *private* sector is for. I'm spreading FACTS. You folks who always want to tax *other* people to pay for your favorite programs are the true hateful ones.

BTW, did any of you hoop fanatics catch that story out of SUNY-Binghamptom about how the school fired an English prof for not giving their thug basketball players special treatment? She also complained that the coaches were text messaging the "student"-athletes during class.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

No More Taxpayer Supported Brain Injuries

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Dr. Robert Cantu, a Boston-area neurosurgeon [and $1,000/hr "expert" witness] said The threat of lawsuit for inappropriate care is real, but I would also like to think that enlightenment is also driving it"

This tragic case was settled for $7.5M. Nevada taxpayers fund football many times over (CCSD, UNR, UNLV, etc). The Democrat trial lawyers are in power. The permanent brain injury class action lawsuit is coming. We're going to be legally on the hook for perhaps BILLIONS of dollars.

It young men want to scramble their gray matter, we can't stop them. But we shouldn't act as *enablers*. No more public funding of football. If you want to play football enroll at Bishop Gorman or some non-NSHE football school.

Hey UNLV Athletics Boosters. Better start shredding documents, wiping your disks, deleting e-mails and calling your lawyers! You deep pockets are guilty of a lot more than just being football fanatics. You've been giving these future cerebral hemorrhages summer/permanent jobs in your firms, slipping them cash, and so forth. You've been profiting from blood money. I can't wait until the legal beagles start hitting you with Discovery Motions.

Hey Ed Bernstein types. What are you waiting for? UNLV football donors and players rosters are a public record.

Sorry, folks. Football warning labels do not provide immunization from civil liability. Just ask the tobacco companies. Separate sports and State.

Monday, December 28, 2009

GOP Tactics: All Wrong!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

GOP tactics are *all* wrong.

Their political ("how to get elected") consultants advise them to talk small government and vote BIG. That's a choice between Goldman or Sachs, but it's enough to win >80% of their increasingly senile membership's votes.

To the restless, small government wing of the party, they say Support us! Wait 'til we're in the *majority*. That's Charlie Brown, Lucy and the football. 25 years ago NJ Republicans won a veto-proof majority in Trenton. What did they do?

Answer: NOTHING.

The GOP maintained control of the House for ~12 years. What did they do?

Answer: make govenment BIGGER.

The Republicans stand for *nothing* except "not Democrat". Nice to know we can count on them to deliver small government.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

UNLV Football Players in Speedos

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Football is WAY overfunded.

Maybe only two or three members of the Men's swim team are serious students. Less than 20%. The rest are filling up classes for the football players who can read.

The Women only a little better. I expected much more. The last D1 gal swimmer I met majored in Industrial Engineering and took a job with Fortune 50 firm. Her jock boyfriend was also pretty smart. Don't remember his major.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

UNLV Athletics Does NOT Score A Profit

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

This talk about D1 sports "profitablity" is obfuscation.
  1. Players don't get paid (at least not officially). You can't talk about profitability in a way that makes business sense.
  2. Fuzzy accounting. Such analyses always overlooks the true cost of D1, including lowered academic standards, ridiculous departments maintained to provide academic cover for jocks, distractions to the Administration, and so forth. Perhaps Forbes would care to estimate how much we're going to be liable for when lawyers representing these disgruntled, brain injured jocks someday sue us in a class action.
  3. The Nevada Constitution specifies a funding mechanism for state colleges: DIRECT TAXATION (or tuition/user fees/fines/donations). UNLV is NOT allowed to operate semi-pro sports teams in lieu of taxpayer support, any more than it's allowed to operate a hotel/casino for that purpose.
  4. Sports revenues (tickets, TV, merchandising, etc) should revert to the STATE's general fund, not to UNLV's. It's up to the crooked politicians to decide where the money goes next.
Why do you sports fanatics insist that the rest of us pay for your bizarre form of entertainment? I don't ask you to pay for my theatre tickets.

UNLV Football Team Cram Session

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum
  • DE Malo Taumua said I'm really excited about this guy coming from a good program at Montana. [Majoring in Criminal Justice. Not Serious.]
  • NB Ronnie Paulo said, I think it's a good move. [Majoring in Afro-American Studies. Not serious.]
  • The nine other players asked to comment couldn't put together coherent sentences.
The team might be home for the holidays, but they're certainly not studying, nor do they have reason to. Only a small minority intends to ever graduate. The rest are here for one reason only: TO PLAY FOOTBALL.

The University of Nevada is supposed to be about producing the next generation of applied scientists, not inductees at Canton.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Coach Bobby "Sinecure" Hauck

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Send Hauck back to Montana. We don't want him here unless he is willing to work for $100 per game. The public sector is *not* supposed to be a place to get rich.

UNLV is taxpayer supported benevolent institution. The "charity" is supposed to benefit students, not WELFARE QUEENS like Hauck, Smatresk, Livengood, etc.

Division I sports corrupts the entire mission of higher education.

UNLV Welfare Queens

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Send Hauck back to Montana. We don't want him here unless he is willing to work for $100 per game. The public sector is *not* supposed to be a place to get rich.

UNLV is taxpayer supported benevolent institution. The "charity" is supposed to benefit students, not WELFARE QUEENS like Hauck, Smatresk, Livengood, etc.

Division I sports corrupts the entire mission of higher education.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Hauck Interviews for UNLV Football Coach

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Hauck's agent, Michael Watkins ..

The public sector is not supposed to be a place to get RICH. If Hauck is so talented let him see employment in the NFL or one of those non-NSHE football schools.

CCSD's Good Students Are Being Cheated

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Many students achieve in SPITE of CCSD. The *typical* student is being horribly cheated. Unfortunately, he won't realize it until he struggles with more rigorous college programs or has to compete in the workplace against those who were better prepared.

You can blame CCSD's problems on the (Draft) Board if you like. And it's true. They *are* a bunch of idiots. But what do you think would happen if you replaced them with the Directors of Warren Buffett's firm?

Not much.

CCSD would *still* have to comply with all these regulations covering attendance, finance, testing, discrimination, Title X/X+1/X+2..., and on and on and on.

They could never find (much less recruit) a Superintendent capable of satisfying all the legalities and political constituencies, who could also deliver excellent student performance. Not even with a compensation package worth $100M per year. The best *anyone* can do is to hire politicians like Rulffes and Garcia.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

$886K Census Worker For Hire

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Should we be surprised by any of this nonsense? The crooked politicians and their cronies would have us spend ourselves into oblivion if they could get away with it.

According to [Greg] Ferraro's website, he is "recognized as one of the top lobbyists in the Nevada Legislature". He is also GOP-connected to the hilt.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Legislature Filled With Government Payrollers

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

These part time legislators have full time jobs outside the legislature.

Their outside work says a lot. Many are affiliated with public education. Many are lawyers. Many have spouses who benefit from big government.

Don Gustavson is the only pro-freedom guy in Carson City. He's a retired truck driver. We need more like him!

Hey CCSD Teachers: Go Private!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Hey, "outstanding" CCSD teachers! Parents know who you are. Quit CCSD, get a cheap strip mall location in the neighborhood, open a private school, and take your students with you.
  1. Flex schedule
  2. No CCSD bureaucrat interference
  3. Teach the cream of your crop
  4. No guard duty
  5. No stupid pedagogy
  6. No forms
  7. No CCEA backstabbing
  8. Get paid what you're worth (sliding scale in some cases)
  9. Work exclusively with good students
  10. No continuing education rules (unless you set them)
  11. No Master's degree
  12. Leave CCSD with even fewer high achievers
You'll wonder why you didn't leave sooner!

Homeschooling Avoids Trouble

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

We homeschool.

No funny business. No kid-kid sex, teacher-kid sex or sex ed. No background checks or paid leaves. No baggy jeans or hoochy skirts. No PussyCat Dolls or gangsta' rap. No magnets, empowerments or charters.


Just quality education for a fraction of the time/money CCSD requires.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Pay Score: Kruger $1M. Players Nothing

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Kruger makes $1M per year. How much do the players make? Only the government can get away with paying six figure athletes LESS than minimum wage.

Hey starters: tell the Coach you want a share of the money. He gets paid a premium for hiring you to WORK for nothing. Like any good (bad) CEO.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Public Education. A Marketer's Dream

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Bank of Nevada [is] sending volunteers to local high schools to talk to teenagers about personal finance

Volunteers? More like *salesmen*. Public education is a POLITICAL institution. Veterans see memorials, marketers see customers, unions see job, politicians see votes, generals see enlistees, and so forth.

School kids are a captive audience. An advertiser's dream.

Friday, December 11, 2009

How To Get Rulffes' Attention

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

I didn't know that were NRS for public school gum chewing and cell phone usage. There must even be green regulations specifying the cotton content of the paper being pushed around by all the bureaucrats. How can anyone take this stuff seriously?

We homeschool. No bake sales, RD-certified junk food, Ritilin, suspensions, forms, conferences, etc. No funny business; just learning. Kids doing fine, thanks. All for a FRACTION of what CCSD gets per kid. And we don't cost taxpayers a cent. Indeed, we buy are own materials and PAY sales tax on them.

Do yourselves a favor. The next time a drone pulls you out of work to tell you that your kid is suspended for being a kid, tell him you're NOT COMING BACK -- especially if they're in elementary grades. Once CCSD starts losing headcount (per capita state funds) over these peccadillos they'll become a lot more flexible about enforcing them.

Meet The New Board. Same As the Old Board

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

You can blame CCSD's problems on the (Draft) Board if you like. And it's true. They *are* a bunch of idiots. But what do you think would happen if you replaced them with the Directors of Warren Buffett's firm?
Not much.

CCSD would *still* have to comply with all these regulations covering attendance, finance, testing, hiring, affirmative action, diversity, naming, harassment, Title X/X+1/X+2..., and on and on and on.

They could never find (much less recruit) a Superintendent capable of satisfying all the legalities and political constituencies, who could also deliver excellent student performance. Not even with a compensation package worth $100M per year. The best *anyone* can do is to hire politicians like Rulffes and Garcia.

Ex-CCSD Employee Hired Back As Busybody

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Billie Rayford, the associate superintendent who oversees empowerment schools, said her staff did not have the time to do the work that McCormick-Lee will be doing.

That is because her staff is too busy overseeing implementation of the Cat 5 Hurricane Contingency Plan filed by the Assistant Deputy Coordinator for Climate Emergencies. Freedom from busybody interference -- from the likes of McCormick-Lee -- is what the "empowerment" program was supposed to be about in the first place.

As Aldous Huxley wrote, an experiment is a failure only if it does not test the hypothesis in an objective way. We already knew how a school would operate under minimial CCSD involvement. It's called PRIVATE education. But that's not why this "experiment" was a failure. It's because CCSD couldn't give up control even for a test specifically designed for that purpose.

Don't bother voting out any of those powermonger clowns. Their replacements would be just as bad. They really should be called the "Draft" Board, in that they *force* kids (who have better things to do) to show up.

Hey CCEA: do us a favor and STRIKE!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Derelict Rulffes

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Rulffes said We would be derelict in our duties if we did not aggressively go after grant money for our students.

I don't care about the bureaucratic derelictions CCSD will be guilty of in the future. CCSD is now, always has been, and always WILL BE derelict in its primary duty to teach the 3R's. Maybe if Rulffes wasn't so busy chasing after unconstitutional federal education grants he would recognize that.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

What's Wrong With Public Education

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

To make Nevada eligible for a grant, legislators must repeal a law that bans using student test scores for purposes of evaluating teachers.

This situation represents everything that is WRONG with public education. Washington politicians dangle unconstitutional education money (pork) in our faces. Our crooked politicians scramble back into (yet another unnecessary) session to get their hands on the loot, so they can redistribute it to their friends. CCSD hires more education lawyers to file exemptions and figure out how to comply, grant writers to beg for more money, and administrators to provide "oversight". A new bureaucracy composed of statisticians, IT, etc gets created to manage all these new teacher evaluations. CCEA hires labor lawyers to challenge any evaluation criteria which might threaten the job of an incompetent teacher. And on and on and on. Is this a NIGHTMARE of central planning or what?!

Somewhere along the line a CCSD 12th grader is expected to learn how to construct a simple sentence and convert a fraction into a real.

What The Chamber of Commerce *Really* Wants

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Hundreds responded with calls for    (the GOP's favorite device for controlling the economy: the US Tax Code)
  1. tax relief of all kinds
  2. easier access to capital   (more federal regulations)
  3. expanded federal loans and grants   (bailouts)
  4. more spending on emerging green industries   (corporatism)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Race to the BIG Government Top

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The $4.35 billion Race to the Top grants are part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act stimulus package.

Public education is a *political* institution. Left wingers use it to fight global warming, right wingers use it to fight bogeymen, and (this month) Obama uses it to stimulate the economy. The constituency for the 3R's long ago fled to private schools.

CCSD In Lockdown

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The schools look like prisons, minus the orange jumpsuits. Recess looks like rec time, minus the overhead sharpshooters. I *love* it when the principal (warden) orders a LOCKDOWN!

Football Program Good For Coaches and Staff

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Sanford's tenure was great for all the shnooks who make money off the program. Sanford and his staff, sports marketers, instructors hired to teach these dunderhead players, concession suppliers, etc.

Attention prospective Coaches researching UNLV: WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE. Not unless you're willing to work for $100 per game, and recruit from the ranks of the applied science majors. UNLV is a state university, not a NFL farm club.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

NSC Is CCSD's 13th Chance

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

community college's traditional mission .. allowing anyone who wants an education to sign up for one.

NSC's traditional mission is to buy votes for crooked politicians.

The reason NSC is overflowing is because it's *undercharging*. NSC tuition should be more like $500 per credit. Though NSC services are worth little, its cost structure is totally bloated. Those who take classes there should bear the burden. Besides, NSC provides *remedial* education. Nevada taxpayers already pay for K-12. How many times must we pony up to teach the 3R's?

Monday, November 30, 2009

CSN: What Does It Get You?

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

McDonald's will be no more likely to hire you if you hold a CSN degree, nor pay you one cent more for it. Generally, employers who specify "must have BS" are not market-driven nor particularly choosy about where it came from. Think of government agencies and industries dominated by them -- such as healthcare.

BS Nursing? [shaking my head] Florence Nightingale must be turning over in her grave. You can probably learn a nurse's job by spending less than a month in a clinical setting.

The ability to transfer credits to another institution is a very dubious merit. A CSN acceptor would also accept credits from a mail-order college.

CSN: Egalitarianism Run Amok

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

A CSN degree is *worthless*. The crooked politicians use the "everyone should go to college" mantra as a pretext for paying off their cronies, ie the academic unions, construction contractors, service providers, and so forth.

The Constitution established the original UofNV (now UNR) to provide practical instruction in just three applied science fields (Agriculture, Mining, and Engineering). Maybe only 10% qualify. When 90% of the people are ineligible, they might become resentful and lobby their state legislators to spend the money *elsewhere*. That is why NSHE is eager to operate waste like CSN, Division I sports, etc. It helps broaden the political constituency for higher education.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

How Much Is Your Kid Worth To CCSD?

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Federal law mandates a zero-tolerance policy for students who bring firearms onto school property. Students who do so must be expelled.

AFAIK, CCSD receives the same funding level per student (>= $10,000/yr), regardless of student age/grade. The younger the student, the longer the duration of state funding CCSD can expect to receive for him. A seven year old student is worth ~8.7X that of a 17 year old ($86,764 vs $10,000, 10 yrs vs 1 yr). That is why CCSD is so eager to keep its hands on [the two jokers who brought the gun to school], but doesn't care nearly as much about (teenage) dropouts. Note: the reason CCSD is eager to extend public education in the direction of preschoolers is because a 4 year old is marginally worth ~100% MORE than an 18 year old ($6,705 vs $3,324)1.

"Zero tolerance", huh? No doubt the regulations also require the federal government to reimburse school districts for state money forgone due to expulsions. CCSD would *profit* by expelling older students for gun violations.

110 yr APR: 3% (Qtrly)

Concerned About Guns In CCSD? Drop Dead!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[Mandatory expulsion] does not apply to students who are on city streets or at bus stops.

Bureaucratic and legalistic, promulgated by CCSD lawyers. Once again, CCSD shows its monopolistic arrogance. "Don't bother us. What you don't know won't hurt you." It knows that parents -- whose kids are drafted into school -- have little choice but to send them to one of CCSD's offerings; especially *poor* parents.

CCSD is basically saying that $100K of funding is worth more than the personal safety of hundreds of other kids. Don't let CCSD use your kids as guinea pigs. DEMAND to know which skoolz are being used as landfill. If CCSD gives you the brush off, PULL your kids OUT. When CCSD loses enough money ($1M should do it) they'll become a lot more openminded about transferring those two boys to California.

If CCSD transferred those boys to rich white skoolz, there'd be an outcry you would not believe. All of a sudden, expulsion wouldn't look so drastic after all.

Another CCSD Gunslinger Who's Too Valuable To Expel

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The article refers to the gun toters individually as "boy", "son", etc. Extreme juvenile delinquent would actually be correct.

CCSD *must* notify the parents of children who attend the juvie halls those future gangbangers were transferred to. Give *them* the option of where to put their kids. Parents who value education (and their kids's physical well being) should pull their kids OUT of CCSD. This mumbo jumbo about privacy is a lot of legalistic *baloney*. CCSD is just afraid that releasing this important information (transparency) would foment parent riots.

Of course there are laws preventing disclosure. Public education is a centrally planned (by lawyers, bureaucrats, etc) *political* institution. Amazing. When the Church was sued for pedophile priests, one of the aggrevating arguments used by plaintiff's attorneys was that the Church didn't disclose the facts to parishioners.

The reason why those "boys" were not expelled is because they are worth $100K in state funding (present value) -- more if special ed applies. If only ~20 kids of the same age were yanked by vocal, concerned parents, CCSD would get the message. They'd quickly come up with legal loopholes to allow the names/schools of the gunners to be disclosed. Then poor parents should insist that the "boys" be bussed over to rich white schools.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Education Competition WORKS

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

We don't need any more gimmicks. No more pay for leadership, charter schools, NCLB, G&T, and on and on. If we reduced CCSD to its constitutional minimum of one little red schoolhouse, almost overnight innovative new PRIVATE schools would open to fill the demand for education services. For all tastes and price points. Religious schools, secular schools, football schools, $30K per year schools, $30 per week schools, and so forth. No more captive audience. We shouldn't draft kids into dull, failed public schools. Make schools earn their customers.

Competition works.

No More CCSD Gimmicks

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

We don't need any more gimmicks. No more pay for leadership, charter schools, NCLB, G&T, and on and on. If we reduced CCSD to its constitutional minimum of one little red schoolhouse, almost overnight innovative new PRIVATE schools would open to fill the demand for education services. For all tastes and price points. Religious schools, secular schools, football schools, $30K per year schools, $30 per week schools, and so forth. No more captive audience. We shouldn't draft kids into dull, failed public schools. Make schools earn their customers.

Competition works.

Garrido For Superintendent!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

test scores, now should be considered along with other performance measures, such as observation-based assessments and a teacher's demonstration of leadership

Sounds like an Affirmative Action program. Objective measures yield to political factors to effect equality of outcomes.

This Race->Top program is just another education gimmick. How many more BILLIONS of dollars and GENERATIONS of young people are we prepared to waste until we recognize the obvious: public education is a CATASTROPHE, and cannot be reformed.

Jaycee Dugard was abducted at age 11. Her tent-schooled kids test well ABOVE their grade levels. Can any of you reform-minded public education advocates explain that? Should we make Garrido our state Superintendent?

Teacher Evaluations Watered Down

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

test scores, now should be considered along with other performance measures, such as observation-based assessments and a teacher's demonstration of leadership

Sounds like an Affirmative Action program. Objective measures yield to political factors to effect equality of outcomes.

This Race->Top program is just another education gimmick. How many more BILLIONS of dollars and GENERATIONS of young people are we prepared to waste until we recognize the obvious: public education is a CATASTROPHE, and cannot be reformed.

Jaycee Dugard was abducted at age 11. Her tent-schooled kids test well ABOVE their grade levels. Can any of you reform-minded public education advocates explain that? Should we make Garrido our state Superintendent?

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Smith Center for the Arts

Originally published in a LVRJ Forum

I can't stand those taxpayer-funded marble palaces known as "concert halls". Las Vegas Philharmonic OUT of Smith Arts Center. That white elephant is being financed with special taxes on folks who rent cars at McCarran. Because we all know that slot players who rent Chevys are such huge classical music fans.

There are >1,000 classical CD's in my house, covering works from Albinoni to Zumaya. My favorite *pop* recordings are from Bellagio's (classically trained) Ariel (RIP). My cable subscription includes several classical music channels. I don't expect taxpayers to subsidize my entertainment or livelihood.

Why do elists want the rest of us to subsidize theirs?


Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum.

The new [UNLV football] coach probably will earn about $700,000

His assistants >$100K. Basketball coach makes ~$1M; his assistants >$100K. The new AD will make ~$250K. By comparison, Physics Professors Selser makes $150K. Chen ~$115K. Zane, Kwong, Lepp & Shelton make ~$100K.

The science faculty is also overpaid, but at least they have a real academic mission. The sports professors make all that money for teaching kids how to catch and throw balls.

What exactly is UNLV's mission -- to teach science or scoring?

If our football professors are so good they should be working in the NFL or for football schools like USC. If our science professors are so good they should be consulting in Silicon Valley or RTP for $20,000 per week.

It's really outrageous that we pay UNLV instructors so much. UNLV is a public *benevolent* institution. It is NOT supposed to be a place for insiders to get rich. Teaching is sort of a PhD's sacred obligation. We should only really have to cocmpensate them with titles and token honoraria. Yes, we might only be able to recruit retirees from other institutions and/or low quality professors, but so be it. Maybe we can sweeten the deal by paying them $100 a game to coach football.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ex-Congressman Becomes A ..

What else?

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[Porter] joined .. a national law firm .. He is .. director of public policy in the D.C. office.

Intentionally fuzzy. Porter is a LOBBYIST (bagman). While in Congress Porter worked for the special interests. He's *still* doing it.

When these clowns are in power they do everything they can to make government bigger and more inscrutable. That way when they leave office special interests (who they've done favors for in the past) will come to them to navigate the morass.

The public sector is NOT supposed to be a vehicle to get rich. Take a look at our former elected high officials from years past. Almost *all* of them are cashing in. No wonder they spend so much money to get elected. A pox on them.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

CCSD Slavery

Originally published in a LVRJ Forum.

It's the LEGISLATURE's job to define "involuntary servitude", not the Courts. Who needs to rely on the opinions of legal professionals, anyway? The Constitution is written in simple English. Involuntary Servitude is obviously making someone do something against their will. Probably >70% of NV kids are in public school INVOLUNTARILY. The issue turns on exactly *what* they are doing.

Most of them are providing warm bodies for the Districts to get government funding, ie "idle" work. If idleness is profitable, I'm sure the kids would rather be doing it someplace else for their OWN benefit. At GVHS students have to walk (or equivalent) "to raise money for science classes", ie "active" work.

Better re-read the Constitution. Article 11 §2 says "the legislature may pass such laws as will tend to secure a general attendance .." In other words, *optional* is the DEFAULT unless the legislature enacts compulsary attendance, which to the delight of educrats and your dopey coalition, it did.

Friday, November 20, 2009

CCSD Student For Narrower Age Requirements

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum.

Employers said they were not interested in hiring high school dropouts. And alternative education would be limited because many apprenticeships and adult education programs require participants to be at least 18, educators said.

Involuntary servitude is prohibited in this state (Article 1, §18). Why do we DRAFT kids into the school system? Mariani's proposal was definitely a step in the right direction. Indeed, the Constitution set up pub-ed with attendance OPTIONAL (Article 11 §2).

I wouldn't expect employers like Kirkorian or Agassi to badmouth dropouts. Both quit in 8th grade! No doubt the guy who dissed them has a worthless 4 yr degree and (NON)works for the government. If "educators" (who have pretty dismal records) had their way, you'd need a PhD to sweep floors.
If attendance was voluntary, CCSD would probably lose >90% of its students -- to the BENEFIT of the opt-outers. The sooner kids leave CCSD the better off they'll be.

It shouldn't surprise anyone that public education advocates would converge to replace Mariani's Constitutional proposal (narrowed compulsary attendance) with an unconstitutional, big government, special interest one.

CCSD High School Scores, Just Not On Standardized Tests

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

From C-M's website:

To increase the first time pass rate in mathematics by 3% from 42% to 45% and ELA by 3% from 77% to 80%

That pathetic math number speaks for itself. I don't know how ELA is measured, but I'm sure it's scored to make student reading/writing performance look better than it really is. At 9-2, there's no need to worry about C-M's football performance.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

PLAN Anti-capitalism

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[PLAN] said an earlier study for his organization found that a 6 percent personal income tax on people earning more than $200,000 a year would bring in $1.1 billion a year.

We could have small government in this state for only $80M/yr. Mining taxes plus 2-3 weeks of sales taxes would cover it. This state has a somewhat regressive tax structure, but a highly destructive *spending* structure.

PLAN is a BIG government extremist group. That is why so many prominent state Democrats contribute to it.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

CCSD Board of Indoctrination

Originally posted on a LVRJ forum

The Board of Ed is a *political* institution. Members use is as a platform to make political statements, like:
  • Celebrate diversity! (by hiring ex-Super Carlos Garcia)
  • Honor our Veterans! (by naming schools after them)
  • Seperate is *not* equal! (by closing for MLK Birthday)
  • Italians were colonialists! (by opening on Columbus Day)
  • Tolerance for alternative lifestyles! (by staging musicals like Rent)
  • Make love not war! (by teaching sex ed)
  • Make war not Love! (by letting Army recruiters on campus and teaching abstinence)
  • Big government is good! (by ever-larger funding requests)

Draft Board of Education

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Board members are just powermongers. It should be called the "Draft Board". CCSD DRAFTS kids into the schools.

Child Labor at CCSD

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum.

Michael Rodriguez, a CCSD spokesman, explained that the two hours of cleaning is estimated to be the equivalent of the time a student would spend raising funds

Another non-teaching position. Does Rodriguez report to the Deputy Liason for Non-technical Communication or the Assistant Principal for Nutritional Pedagogy?

Making students pay for their grades (a "user fee") is a good trend. We spend >$10,000/yr per kid. CCSD parents should be forced to clean and retile the bathrooms. Some prisons are charging inmates for extras. The schools are like prisons minus the orange jumpsuits.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Moody's Analytics

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum.

Moody’s Analytics .. will be selected Thursday to conduct a study on state taxes.

Moody's raked in HUGE Wall $t fees by assigning AAA ratings to Collateralized Mortgage bonds which were actually JUNK. The Nevada treasury was a $50M victim of this charade, as were thousands of individual Nevadans. Before we give Moody's $250K of our money, we should INSIST that they first reimburse us.

If we had small government in this state, we wouldn't need rigged tax studies by politically connected firms.

"Homeless Kid" Depends On CCSD's Definition

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Myra Berkovits, the district coordinator for the federally funded Homeless Outreach Program Education, HOPE ... Each public school in Clark County has a homeless student advocate. HOPE also has five project facilitators who are each responsible for overseeing about 75 public schools.

More non-teaching positions -- and I must admit, ones I never even dreamed of! Does Berkovits report to CCSD's Ombudsman for Science & Sports or its Deputy Liason for Rickshaw Traffic Oversight?

I don't buy that statistic of ~8,000 homeless CCSD kids. It all depends on what the meaning of the word "homeless" is. Does it include

  • Offspring of a hotel's GM?
  • Kids living in trailer parks?
  • Kids in the middle of divorce custody battles?
The question is to be decided by politicians for political purposes.


Myra Berkovits, the district coordinator for the federally funded Homeless Outreach Program Education, HOPE ... Each public school in Clark County has a homeless student advocate. HOPE also has five project facilitators who are each responsible for overseeing about 75 public schools.

More non-teaching positions -- and I must admit, ones I never even dreamed of! Does Berkovits report to CCSD's Ombudsman for Science & Sports or its Deputy Liason for Rickshaw Traffic Oversight?

I don't buy that statistic of ~8,000 homeless CCSD kids. It all depends on what the meaning of the word "homeless" is. Does it include
  • Offspring of a hotel's GM?
  • Kids living in trailer parks?
  • Kids in the middle of divorce custody battles?
The question is to be decided by politicians for political purposes.

Homeless Kids Enrolled In CCSD

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The number of homeless students in local public schools could reach about 8,000 by the end of the current school year

The Nevada Constitution established public education as a "safety net", for hopelessly underprivileged kids (ie homeless, orphans) who desperately want (ie sleeping on bleachers) to attend school but otherwise would have no chance. As the article describes, thankfully that is a relatively small number of kids. That is why the Constitution uses language like "one school per district" and did not make attendance compulsary.

Parents of those more fortunate ~300,000 remaining students should prioritize and figure out how to pay for their OWN children's *private* educations. Maybe one less case of beer per week?

If we had small government in this state, even using the current, per-capita wasteful appropriation figures, CCSD's budget would be closer to $100M/yr (down from its current multi-billion dollar level).

CCSD Homeless

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The number of homeless students in local public schools could reach about 8,000 by the end of the current school year

The Nevada Constitution established public education as a "safety net", for hopelessly underprivileged kids (ie homeless, orphans) who desperately want (ie sleeping on bleachers) to attend school but otherwise would have no chance. As the article describes, thankfully that is a relatively small number of kids. That is why the Constitution uses language like "one school per district" and did not make attendance compulsary.

Parents of those more fortunate ~300,000 remaining students should prioritize and figure out how to pay for their OWN children's *private* educations. Maybe one less case of beer per week?

If we had small government in this state, even using the current, per-capita wasteful appropriation figures, CCSD's budget would be closer to $100M/yr (down from its current multi-billion dollar level).

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Another UNLV "Scholar" In a JUNK Department

[UNLV Professor Jennifer Livengood] tries to figure out how religious practices and beliefs influence how -- and how much -- people have fun

This is ridiculous.

Why do so many charlatan professors always want to be called "Doctor"? How many patients do they treat? I've read the titles of some of Livengood's papers. Not serious scholarship. Livengood's name also appears as an "ally" on a Celebrates National Coming Out Day brochure (LGBT related).

The original University of Nevada (now UNR) was chartered by the state constitution to provide practical in three fields relevant to this state: Mining, Engineering, and Agriculture. The constitution authorized the Legislature to create additional colleges as it deemed necessary. Does anything think a Hotel College, with a Department of Leisure, is *necessary*? Of course not! This is just politics. These Professors of Basketweaving all vote for Democrats.

Shutter this ridiculous college/department. Whenever I read about "academics" like Livengood, I'm reminded of that Dan Akroyd character in Ghostbusters. You've never been out of college! You don't know what it's like out there! I've *worked* in the private sector. They expect *results*.

If Livengood is so good, she should work for McDonald's University. Otherwise, UNLV should trade her to Cornell for a Physicist. We'll even throw in a $300K sweetener -- money we can get by canning Smatresk.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Regent Running For Congress

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

These Regents are totally clueless. Why do they bother running for the job? It's not like they have that vision thing. They don't bring any prestige to the Board. No one is going to mistake them for real fiduciaries, like Gordon Moore at Cal Tech. These Regents only do it for the wine and cheese parties and hobnobbing with patrons.

There is not a single Regent who would consider returning the University of Nevada (now UNR) to its original, limited mission. Practical instruction in three fields relevant to this state: Mining, Agriculture, and Engineering. Indeed, these clowns don't have any idea what higher education is for.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

CCSD: Brother, Can You Spare Another $5B?

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[CCSD] said a 2012 bond program could put officials in a better planning position.

CCSD is a *political* institution. It's all about

  • generating huge bond underwriting fees for politically connected investment bankers
  • large construction & maintenance contracts (at union-scale wages) for politically connected firms
  • wealth redistribution ("equity")
  • pumping money into Berkley/Titus' districts ("stimulus" jobs)
  • promoting tolerance for people with AIDS, ie staging Rent at GVH (lest it lose popular support from LGBT)
  • buying off the football constituency (lest it lose support from boosters)
  • school naming (lest it lose support from Vets)
  • closing for MLK Holiday (lest it lose support from Blacks)
  • sex ed (to please liberals)
  • abstinence (to please conservatives)
  • Board members showing us how "progressive" they are (by hiring clowns like Carlos Garcia)
and on and on. There is no constituency for the 3R's, which is why CCSD students can't add, read or write.

For the Children

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum.

[CCSD] said a 2012 bond program could put officials in a better planning position.

CCSD is a *political* institution. It's all about
  • generating huge bond underwriting fees for politically connected investment bankers
  • large construction & maintenance contracts (at union-scale wages) for politically connected firms
  • wealth redistribution ("equity")
  • pumping money into Berkley/Titus' districts ("stimulus" jobs)
  • promoting tolerance for people with AIDS, ie staging Rent at GVH (lest it lose popular support from LGBT)
  • buying off the football constituency (lest it lose support from boosters)
  • school naming (lest it lose support from Vets)
  • closing for MLK Holiday (lest it lose support from Blacks)
  • sex ed (to please liberals)
  • abstinence (to please conservatives)
  • Board members showing us how "progressive" they are (by hiring clowns like Carlos Garcia)
  • and on and on.
There is no constituency for the 3R's, which is why CCSD students can't add, read or write.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Board of Football Boosters

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Bill Gates spends his *own* money to make his products as good as they can be. His Board is composed of software and financial experts who have large personal financial stakes in the success of M$ products.

CCSD is run by a professional bureaucrat who gets paid whether the kids learn to read or not. The district is run by a bunch of bureaucrats whose primary concerns are satisfying political consitutencies for school naming, diversity, football, and drama.

If education was a completely PRIVATIZED service provided by experts with large personal stakes in its success, the kids would actually learn something. The Board should be limited to approving lyrics for school fight songs.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Education Entitlements for the Wealthy

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Public education is increasingly becoming an entitlement program for the *wealthy*. Rich folks send their kids (and our money) to Europe, or else their kids go to "good" neighborhood schools. Poor kids get stuck in lousy schools.

UNLV Liberal Arts

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

Mary Hausch, a journalism professor .. has a Facebook page, but she's careful not to mix Facebook with class. She generally won't be Facebook friends with current students, she said, though she will accept their friend requests once the semester is over.

Yeah, sure. These liberal arts professors (and their graduate students) use social networking sites to get dates with their students. If you confront these degenerates, they'll give some 60's-era pablum about how sex broaden the college experience. Blah blah blah.

Abolish all these liberal arts departments, Division I sports programs, etc. Get the University of Nevada back to its original mission:  instruction in three applied science subjects relevant to this state: Agriculture, Mining, and Engineering.

CCSD Gimmicks

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[CCSD] is spending $617,500 in federal stimulus funds to expand Advanced Academics to eight high schools this year.

Like the article stated, these virtual academies are PUBLIC schools. Sooner or later this fad will prove to be no different than other forms of public education: high costs, poor results. Get the government OUT of K-12.

We homeschool. Yes, we've heard (good things) about these online academies. Yes, we qualify for "free" goodies. Yes, we could choose the "minimal CCSD involvement" plan. Etc and so forth.

We STILL won't sign up. We don't want to be a burden to our taxpaying neighbors. We don't want to give the government the front door keys. We don't want the government snooping on our broadband connection.

CCSD Contractors

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum.

[CCSD] is spending $617,500 in federal stimulus funds to expand Advanced Academics to eight high schools this year.

Like the article stated, these virtual academies are PUBLIC schools. Sooner or later this fad will prove to be no different than other forms of public education: high costs, poor results. Get the government OUT of K-12.
We homeschool. Yes, we've heard (good things) about these online academies. Yes, we qualify for "free" goodies. Yes, we could choose the "minimal CCSD involvement" plan. Etc and so forth.

We STILL won't sign up. We don't want to be a burden to our taxpaying neighbors. We don't want to give the government the front door keys. We don't want the government snooping on our broadband connection.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Turning Us Into Mental Cases

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The Nevada Constitution requires public support of institutions for the mentally and physically "challenged". These programs account for ~25% of the biennial budget.

If one of our residents gives birth to child with severe problems, I don't really object to trying to provide a minimum level of comfort. I *do* object to people who work for the system making huge salaries and outpatients who suffer from human conditions like "depression" (bad hair days) asking us to pay for their "meds" (drug addictions). Worst of all, these programs act like a sad sack magnet.

The state benevolent institutions budget is opaque, but experience tells me that it's a LOT bigger -- at least 10X -- than it needs to be. We could cover it with two or three days worth of August sales taxes.

Public Education Meant To Be A Safety Net

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Some people have trouble thinking outside the box. If we abolish, almost overnight any number of good quality *private* schools would open to satisfy the demand for education services. For all tastes and price points. The only "workable" education system is one that keeps the government OUT of it.

Our public education system was envisioned as a safety net, for poor kids who otherwise would have no chance. That is why the Constitution specifies "one school" and allowed optional attendance. It was never meant to be CCSD's "all (no) things to all people".

If we had small government in this state, then indeed, we really could get by on ~$50/head. I've already described how it could. Mining taxes might be insufficient (I don't memorize these numbers), but some other small revenue source would not. For instance, sales tax revenue from 10 days in August.

Whether small government could be had for $100M per year, $80M or $12.50 is debatable. The exact number is unimportant, so long as we recognize that government is WAY larger than it needs to be. I conservatively estimate 19X.

I Oppose BIG Government and the High Taxes Necessary to Pay For It

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The Nevada Constitution sets a minimum size for state government: the 3 branches, limited K-16, prisons, mental hospitals (safety net), a militia. That's about it. Though mining taxes alone could cover the minimum, the Constitution gives the government wide latitude about what to tax. You know, so that it will always be able to pay its bills.

In the past ~150 years the crooked politicians have given us bigger and BIGGER (maximum!) government, which naturally required more and MORE revenues -- including sales tax -- to fund it.

I oppose BIG government, and the high taxes necessary to pay for it.

K-16: All For Only ~$2M/yr

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

K-16 is a whopping ~50% of NV's biennial budget. If we had small government in this state, our annual financial obligation for public education would be less than $2M per year. Then we wouldn't need sales taxes and we could ABOLISH them.

You say "How can that be?" The Nevada Constitution specifies a minimum of one public school per district (18 statewide). We should return to the "little red schoolhouse" model -- @$100K/school.

The constitution also mandates a state university with no less than (minimum) 3 applied science departments (Ag, Mining, Eng). Eliminate *everthing* except those departments. The original endowment would pay for them. A small state university model reduces our financial obligation for higher ed to ZERO.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

If You Don't Like Our Musical Then Don't Go

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Easy for you to say. We've already paid for *your* ticket.

"Shut up and pay your taxes!" Typical CCSD arrogance. I've already paid quite a bit for your education. This is the thanks I get. Public education creates an entitlement mentality among its "beneficiaries".

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

CCSD Lets Dunderhead Jock Teach Math

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Hale .. received a bachelor's degree in kinesiology

AKA "Jockology". As Al alluded to (0646), it's ridiculous to let a dunderhead jock teach math. Maybe he should be assigned to teach Latin also?

When will taxpayers finally demand that CCSD fulfill its primary mission to teach the 3R's? I, for one, am SICK of CCSD focusing on purely political goals like football, coed gym and left-wing musicals.

The only CCSD things taxpayers seem to get upset about are firewatchers, renaming a football stadium, and charging varsity athletes user fees.

What arrogance. Can you imagine McDonald's serving customers horse meat when they ran out of paddies? The reason that CCSD can get away with assigning non-mathematicians to teach math is because it is has a monopoly. Don't like your math teacher? Tough luck! Go to another CCSD school.

What I don't understand is how poor parents allow this sort of abuse to continue. Rich white kids are assigned the cream of the CCSD teaching crop. Poor minority kids get assigned teachers of the same race. I suppose to teach them self-esteem.

Monday, October 26, 2009

HeadsThey Win ..

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Political consultants and close friends Billy Vassiliadis and Pete Ernaut .. Doesn't seem like they're on opposite teams

That's because they're NOT. They're both on the BIG GOVERNMENT team.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cancer Researchers For BIG Government

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Dr. John Ruckdeschel, the new director and CEO of the Nevada Cancer Institute

This article nearly caused me to spill my breakfast. As FACT! pointed out (0921) Ruckdeschel makes $1M per year. His friends also well paid. The NCI is a government bureaucracy. The public sector is not supposed to be a place to get rich. This is DISGUSTING.

And why did NCI have to spend $115K on federal lobbying in '08? This is one agency of the government hiring ex-government lawyer officials to get favors out of another agency of government. This is ridiculous.

We don't want Ruckedeschel using his political connections to mooch more money off the federal government -- primarily to feather his own nest. If Ruckdeschel and his gang are so good, they can enter private practice, completely divorced from publicly funded facilities.

None of these jokers wants to discover a cure for cancer. There's too much MONEY at stake.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Viva La Vi Boheme

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

Had the play been Disney or religious, most opponents of the production would SUPPORT it. This is why big government supporters can never find the right words to oppose controversies like this. They argue legal minutiae like "process" when in fact, the problem is taxpayer funded (public) education itself. If this was a community theatre production, no one would care.

Public education is a *political* institution. When the kids post miserable scores on standardized tests, folks shrug their shoulders. But stage a left-wing musical, or drop Veterans from a school name, or threaten football players with user fees, and folks go BALLISTIC.

Socialist Indoctrination at Green Valley HS

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

The theme of Rent is intolerance for capitalist landlords. Once you get the government (schools) involved in art, you politicize it. You drama buffs should get yourselves a private auditorium, pay for your own costumes and advisers, and sell your own tickets. The only people who are being narrow-minded here are the ones who expect OTHERS to pay higher taxes to support a political/social agenda they disagree with.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tax Revenues Strong. Spending Even STRONGER

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

total tax revenues in Nevada will decline by 5 percent during the fiscal year ending June 30

Revenues are still strong by historical measure. Government spending is even STRONGER. If we had small government in this state, the biennial budget would only have to be ~$160M ($80M/yr), and probably LESS. That's right.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

CCSD Board Of Chimps

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The CCSD Board is a bunch of clowns. They remind of that that chotzkee with the three chimpanzees "see no evil .." They're just a bunch of power mongers -- the sort of folks who used to sit on DRAFT boards. These politically correct imbeciles will only choose bureaucrats like Rulffes; never anyone who actually *knows* anything. Is it any surprise that CCSD graduates can't even read their own diplomas?

Public School Naming Committee

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

a school board appointed naming committee.

Things don't get much more bureaucratic than that!

A few days ago RJ ran a feature article about NV schoolkids scoring poorly on standardized math tests. Nobody cares. But, OMG! Threaten to rename a football stadium and folks go BALLISTIC.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Socialist Educrat Business-Think

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Jan Biggerstaff, a member of the state Board of Ed, said: No one is going to want to a hire a 16-year-old full time

Mariani is a bright kid. A smart boss would offer him an apprenticeship in an instant. Biggerstaff is an *idiot*. No one in the private sector would every want to hire *her -- even part-time.

With bureaucrats like Biggerstaff on the Board, is it any wonder the school system stinks? In a previous life, this woman served on a DRAFT Board. The sooner kids escape from CCSD the better off they'll be. Best not to drag them into it in the first place.

Award Winning Student'sTeen's Proposal: School Is Not For Everyone!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Dominic Mariani said: School is not for everyone. If they don't want to be in school, they're going to be a distraction.

Dominic for Governor!

Article 11 §2 of the Nevada Constitution established K-12. It further states the legislature may pass such laws as will tend to secure a general attendance .. [emphasis mine]. Dominic in on to something. The legislature should actually ABOLISH compulsory attendance (truancy) laws.

Why do we *draft* kids to attend school? Article 1 §17 prohibits "involuntary servitude". Forcing kids to attend school just creates jobs for CCEA members. If kids were allowed to make their own enrollment choices, I estimate that CCSD enrollment would drop to less than 50,000. That's right. On Oct 9 RJ had an article about CCSD offering free tutoring, but only 14% of eligible students signed up.

By the way. Mariani's bill does not propose to "legalize" dropping out. It attempts to narrow the injustice of forcing kids to go to school against their will -- 90% of the time to the incompetent public school (daycare) system.

Truancy laws not only institutionalize involuntary servitude, but they impose punishment on kids without trial. That's an unconstitutional attainder (Article 1 §15).

Hey Rogers: Buy Yourself a Team

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Rogers said .. university should offer a contract worth at least a $1 million a year... "This money doesn't come from coffers at the school. They can get the money from private donors."

Rogers has a few bucks. If he likes football so much, he can partner up with Limbaugh and bid for an NFL franchise. Leave the Nevada taxpayers out of it.

Of course UNLV football comes from school operating funds. Academics is just a pretext. UNLV exists to play football. Drop it and there'd be no reason for the school to exist.

Regents Ensure Football Remains UNLV's Priority

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

When Steve Sisolak was a state regent, he observed that UNLV's $6 million football budget compared favorably to other MWC schools.

The Nevada government has NO constitutional authority to operate a semi-pro football team. What's next -- a hotel/casino? If these kids want to train for the NFL, they can tryout for USC.

You Wash My Back ...

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Here we have one bureaucracy (the Water Authority) contracting with another bureaucracy (DRI) to waste taxpayer money. You'd think SNWA could figure out a way to waste the money themselves.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Math Scores Deceiving (and Flattering)

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Private-school students continue to outperform those in public schools, according to the scores.

"Math test". Intentionally vague. The material is so rudimentary that it's embarassing. For 4th graders, the degree of difficulty must have ranged from 1+1 to 325÷5; for 8th, 6+2 to 94.6÷13.5, with a few simple word problems thrown in. Still, the average NV kid only scored 47%/55% (235/274).


On a 500-point scale ..

Intentionally vague.

Does that mean you get 100 points for just showing up? Does a 500 score indicate > 3 Sigma's above the mean?

The test results can't be a simple X out Y == X/Y. You don't need an army of bureaucrat statisticians to do that. Chances are the scores were all "normalized" by race, family income, geography, etc. In other words, the bureaucrats applied any number of subjective filters to make the results come out the way they wanted.

Abolish the unconstitutional US Department of Education.

How many more generations of Nevada kids are we prepared to ruin, and BILLIONS of dollars wasted, in the name of social engineering? All you people who advocate more/less testing/Ritilin/special-ed/sugar/TV/etc, just don't get it.

Public schools are a catastrophe and cannot be reformed.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

CCSD Provides Large Subsidy to Stage Musicals

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

That "small" $2K contribution (whatever the actual number is) is tip-of-the-iceberg. Nevada taxpayers pay >$10,000 per year PER STUDENT for you kids to text message about this activity all day. We amortize the bonds used to pay for the theatre. We pay Ms. Hemme's (indeed, her entire DEPARTMENT's) salary, benefits, etc. We pay for all the CCSD bureaucrats who have to be engaged to deal with the fallout from this production -- lawyers, administrators, custodians, etc. Gosh, we even have to pay CCSD's CPA to cook the books. So don't feed me that line that this process is "self-sufficient". Like Cirque.

This is all one big game of bait-&-switch, as CCSD was sold to us to teach the 3R's, a mission they definitely do *not* accomplish.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Free Speech For CCSD Parents, Courtesy of YOU

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

When a government school stages a play -- be it left-wing trash like Rent or classics like Lear -- it is not *breaking* injustice put PERPETUATING it. Citizens should not be forced to support (via taxation) the political/artistic speech/taste of others, especially agenda which they completely oppose. What's worse, some of this money is going towards royalties for Rent's degenerate copyright owners. This is all patently offensive.

All you whining defenders of this "production" can purchase/alter your own costumes/sets, rent a private auditorium, sell tickets in front of Safeway, and sing til your hearts are content. Leave the rest of us alone.

College of Southern NV is Useless

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

CSN is a total waste of taxpayer dollars. It provided *remedial* education. How many times must Nevada taxpayers pay to teach kids the 3 R's? In many ways, NSHE is *worse* that CCSD.

CSN is a completely *political* institution. Legislators from Clark County were envious of all that money being pumped into (what is now) Raggio's district (UNR), so they politic'd to ensure that some of the booty gets spent in *their* districts. That is why we have the repetitive CSN, the redundant UNLV, and so forth.

Public education (K-16) accounts for ~50% of the ~$6.7B biannual state budget. If we restricted public education to its constitutional minimum -- public school per district (county) and three University applied science departments -- we could reduce our financial commitment to public education down to ~$2M per year. That's right.

But then, how would all those ridiculous school arts teachers earn a living? Good heavens. Kids interested in the performing arts might have to join a community theater group or something. OMG. The sky is falling.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Mental Health Abuse

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The Nevada Constitution requires that taxpayers fund mental hospitals. Those facilities should only provide very basic in-patient services at minimal cost. The system was *never* meant to expand into a public mental health system that treats benign human conditions like "bipolar disorder" (mood swings) and "depression" (bad hair days).

Public Schools Are Just Another Failed Government Program

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Public education is no different than any other government program. High costs, poor quality, low transparency, bureaucracy, demands for *more* government control. The list goes on and on. Why do voters think that a new bureaucrat, pedagogy, fad, appropriation, etc will change anything.

Twenty years from now LRVJ will not exist, but you people will *still* be submitting comments somewhere about how to fix CCSD. It's ridiculous. Incredible! How many more generations of Nevada school kids are you willing to ruin in the name of social engineering? Will another $50B wasted change your minds?

CCSD Left Wing, Musical Fluff

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Though Rent is billed as an "after-school" program, this sort of activity -- especially its controversial nature -- is a HUGE distraction. The players dream (and text) about it all day. The Administration has to deal with parental fallout from both sides. CCSD has to vector its phalynx of lawyers and circle the wagons.

Right-wingers go ballistic when some kids get exposed to complex social issues. Some complain that the kids don't learn about money & finance. But nobody cares that CCSD math and reading scores stink.

By the way, Rent is a Marxist passion play. It bashes landlords and glorifies bohemian slackers.

CCSD is one big after-school activity. All fluff, no substance. Public daycare. This is *all* so unnecessary.

If CCSD was abolished, almost overnight any number of private schools would open up to satisfy the demand for quality education services. For all tastes and price points. Football schools, drama schools, $25K/yr schools, $20/wk schools, and on and on. And nobody (but paying customers) would care what would was being taught or staged in *any* of them.

Daniel Allen, PhD

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Daniel Allen, a UNLV psychology professor, said Generally, people who have bipolar disorder need to be on prescribed medication

A stooge for Big Pharma.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Schools Open On Columbus Day

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The schools should be closed on Columbus Day, and the other 179 school days of the year. The kids might learn something.

CCSD Offers Private Tutoring. Only 14% of Eligible Kids Show Up.

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Another CCSD gimmick. The kids are smart to refuse this public tutoring service. They have better things to do with their time than have nonsense spoon fed to them. If private tutoring is such a good idea, why do we waste billions of dollars each year for CCSD?

Public Education Choices

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Public schools are a *political* institution. They close for MLK, but not Columbus. They maintain spending for football, but not for arts. They teach our government is meant to be of the people but not small. Nobody cares about low test scores. The big concern is about school names, the 10 Commandments on the wall, and cultural sensitivity.

If schools were 100% privatized, no one would care what goes on in any school but the one their own kids go to. And singles and childless couples wouldn't be burdened with providing childcare for other people's kids.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

CCSD: Separate *Is* Equal

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

A music teacher might be teaching more “music appreciation classes”

McEducation. My kids are homeschooled. They receive best-of-breed music lessons from a very good, competitively priced, private piano teacher. CCSD provides a completely superficial education. Not enough instruments. Really. And what the heck is a "Director of Fine Arts Education"?

There seems to be no instrument shortage for LVA music students. What gives? Separate is *not* equal.

How does CCSD get away with such huge school disparities? Kids in one school receive arts enrichment, but kids in another school get music de-appreciation. If CCSD is going to provide McEducation the least it can do is offer a standard menu.

Smatresk & His Band of Thieves

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Smatresk and his band of derelict administrators are the ones who have to go. They craft lowered admission standards and ridiculous departments, for the benefit of jocks. They hire the Athletic Director, the fool who, in turn, hires over-rated clowns like Sanford and Kruger. Whenever I hear crooked politicians decry "excessive" executive compensation, the poster boy I think of is Smatresk.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Las Vegas Academy Conceit

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum.

LV Academy kids ought to be less condescending towards their poorer CCSD counterparts. Poor parents might start to resent your attitudes and lobby their Assemblymen to provide equal opportunities for *their* kids. Then your little club will start to look more like *other* public high schools.

I don't know how much parents pay in LVA fees and after-school private instruction, but they're getting away cheap. Private *elementary* arts schools go for $20-$25K per year! None of you ever send me so much as a "thank you" note.

Your public school can't be as great as you all seem to think. It must be quite bureaucratic. It must embrace affirmative action, diversity, and other left-wing notions. It must inculcate a fair amount of uniformity, especially in thought. Seems like *none* of you have been exposed to ideas such as the government which governs least, governs *best*. Indeed, the opposite must be true. Your principal is a double-dipper at the public trough. LVA by day, and NEA/NEH by night.

No Federalization of UNLV

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

for Nagamine's state salary of $72,072, the university gets that back several times over because of the grant.

The federal government (via the NSF) has no more constitutional authority to fund astronomy research than Japan's government does to fund foreign military adventures. That half the grant is skimmed for UNLV overhead (a typical expense factor) is a backdoor federalization of university support. Nagamine's grant should be cancelled, and the money returned to US taxpayers.

UNLV's Professor of Basketball makes $1M per year. Fire him and replace him with Nagamine. Cut the jocks. Nagamine can build a squad from his lab crew. Now *that* would be a college team!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Public Education Is A BAD Deal for Taxpayers

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Most of you seem to know how *awful* the CCSD schools are. Even if Las Vegas Academy is exceptional (and I don't concede that), the price of maintaining one good CCSD school is the cost of (I think) hundreds of bad ones. That's a bad deal.

The Nevada Constitution requires at least one public school per district. If it will make you feel better, I would not object too strongly if LVA were it.

Public Education: We're #50!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Nevada still ranked 36th in the nation for the amount of revenue spent on education.

The Nevada Constitution sets a legal minimum of one public school per district (18 statewide). The legislature should deem any number above that "unnecessary" and vote those schools out of existence.

Figure $100K per school, including teacher, books, and little red schoolhouse. That would bring our state's annual tax obligation for K-12 down to less than $2M per year. Then Nevadans could brag: WE'RE #50!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

CCSD Promotes Teen Pregnancy

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

As many of you know (or should), affairs between high school teachers and students are commonplace. Teen sex is the rule. I suspect these happen more frequently at LVA than any other CCSD high school simply because arts courses involve much closer physical contact between the participants, who tend to be hot-blooded anyway.

CCSD OUT of Arts Education

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

During a recent lunch period, one student was .. playing a classical melody on her clarinet while in transit.

There are plenty of private music conservatories to choose from. You can get a clarinet teacher to come to your house for as little as $25 a lesson. These arts magnet schools are just political schemes to provide patronage jobs to left-wing fine arts teachers, and to incubate a constituency for future unconstitutional state arts commission grants.
If these kids want to study theatre there must be any number of community groups and summer camps to choose from. Leave the taxpayers out of it.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Less Government Republicans

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

A new state law required home loan modification and foreclosure consultants to obtain licenses from the mortgage division. While 50 applications are being processed, none of the applicants has posted the required $75,000 surety bonds, according to the division.

Here are the details of this new law. Notice how those "less government" Republican legislators *unanimously* voted YEA, and that the bill was signed by a Republican governor.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

CCSD Out of Arts Education

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Rick McEnaney, the district's director of secondary fine arts education

Another non-teaching position. Does this guy report to the Assistant Liason for Interdistrict Communications or to the Deputy Administrator for Creativity & Health?
Sorry, but arts is *not* core. Besides, the arts education your kid is likely to get at CCSD will be *very* superficial. Like the core subjects. If you want to expose your kids to arts (a noble gesture), hire a teacher to come to your house. You can probably get one for as little as $25 per week. Indeed, bring your child's education *entirely* in-house and homeschool.

In my old high school (not CCSD), drama was not serious, only a clique. Interestingly, years after I left, my middle school music teacher was incarcerated for having sex with students.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

CCSD Throws TD Passes To Football. Crumbs To Academics.

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Rulffes said "We have librarians, P.E. (physical education) aides, computer specialists, counselors. We have arts and music. We only have minimal impact on sports. I believe, for the funding, the public is getting a good bang for its buck."

Why does CCSD need librarians? The kids can't read. PE? The kids are sugar-filled marshmallows. The kids don't need Computer Specialists to help them play video games. Those pathetic counselors are the ones responsible for this mania about passing flunkards in order to guard their self-esteem.

What is this emphasis on sports? If boys want to play football, they can join Pop Warner. School is supposed to be about the 3R's, not PP&K. Of course, CCSD is all about *politics*, so that means maintaining popular support for itself through any means necessary, especially football. And you can hire a good piano teacher to come to your house for only ~$25/hr.

If Rulffes thinks we're getting good bang for the buck, then I wonder what he considers a *bad* deal.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Looks like Senate ultra RINOs Raggiowe and Townspend want Fibbons to a call a special session in order to give them one more opportunity to vote for higher taxes. They're both term-limited out (Townspend in 2010, I think). If we had small government in this state, the biannual budget would be less than $200M. The budget would be in SURPLUS. That's right. Fibbons would have to call a special session to figure out how to REBATE all the money piling up in the treasury.

What's all this nonsense about school underfunding breeding lawsuits?! The legal (constitutional) minimum for K-12 is one school per district (18 statewide). Yep. The legislature could vote out of existence *everything* above that. Slam dunk.

The legal minimum for NSHE is three departments: Mining, Agriculture, and Engineering. Look it up. The legislature could dissolve DRI, UNLV, NSC, etc in one rollcall. In fact, the University of Nevada was originally endowed with capital sufficient to make it self-sustaining in perpetuity (taxpayer backup required only if some Regent bankrupted the trust). All students majoring in one of those aforementioned fields should be receiving free rides. or else paying just nominal tuition. The liberal arts students should be paying $600 per credit "user fees".

Only a RINO lawyer like Billus Raggiowe would resort to legal scare tactics.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Abolish EDD

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

You can't insure for an event where the risks are positively correlated, like unemployment within the State of Nevada. Unemployment insurance is built on sand. That is why every few years the State has to borrow money from the feds (who unconstitutionally reinsure the whole nation!) to stay afloat.

The Nevada government has NO constitutional authority to operate an insurance company. It doesn't matter that the feds mandate it. Gibbons should announce that henceforth Nevada will no longer participate. If Obama threatens our highway funds Gibbons should stop federal tax withholding on state workers. What's the IRS going to do -- audit the State of Nevada?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Constitutional Must Haves and "Have Nots"

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

boycott all of the socialist things you enjoy .. the list is long.

Let's not confuse the necessary functions of a small government with the unnecessary functions of a big one. Everyone agrees that Nevada should have police power, military power to repel foreign invasion, etc.

Nevada doesn't need a public school system, a Taxicab authority, a dairy commission, and so forth. Those are all unnecesary features of BIG government.

We pay extra for state highways via gas taxes, auto registrations, etc. Whether NV 95 should be privatized is debatable, but it's small financial potatoes compared to our disasterous public education and health systems -- which make up ~75% of the biannual budget.

Miners "Not Paying Their Fair Share"

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The problem is *not* that Nevada miners pay too little taxes. It's that Nevada government SPENDS too much money. If we had small government in this state, we could abolish mining taxes,

Friday, September 11, 2009

Deregulate NOW!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Abolish insurance taxes and regulations. It drives up the cost of insurance. Abolish state insurance departments and bureaucracies. They're sinecures for friends of politicians. They drive up the cost of insurance. Abolish medical licensing laws. They create a guild for medical services, which drives up the cost of health care and the insurance premiums necessary to pay the bills. Abolish drug prohibition, the FDA, etc. Such government policies only drive up the cost of medications and the insurance premiums necessary to pay the bills.

What do the Democrats offer us? MORE regulations. MORE bureaucrats. MORE red tape. The Republicans rightly criticize them for that. They propose to fix things with MORE regulations. MORE bureaucrats, and MORE red tape. Nice to know we can count on them to provide opposition.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Shame on UNLV Football

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

I just took a quick look at what the football upperclassmen are majoring in. I see that University Studies (ie "jockology") is still popular. Maybe I haven't looked hard enough, but I haven't yet found any serious students on the team. Where is the roster for the water boys and marching band?

UNLV Research Still Adds Up to Fluff

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[John Mercer is] a big shot researcher over at UNLV, the associate dean at the School of Allied Health Sciences.
Big shot?! What a complete puff-piece. For every pseudo-researcher like Mercer there are dozens of complete clowns like Dina Titus, Horsefurd's wife, administrators etc running around.

I just took a glimpse at some of Mercer's academic "research". Hmm. They might pass as Senior theses at San Diego State, but they're not serious science. Mercer is just another ridiculously overpaid bureaucrat Administrator. Kinesiology is just a euphamism for "jockology", like calling garbage collection "sanitation engineering". The Kinesiology department only exists to provide academic cover to dunderheads who can't hack it as basketweaving majors. It should be eliminated.

Grant funding? Who the heck is writing the checks? If it's NIKE, they should just bring the research in-house. The federal government has NO constitutional authority to sponsor this kind of research.

The original University of Nevada (now UNR) was chartered to provide practical instruction in fields relevant to our State, specifically Mining, Agriculture, and Engineering. Biomechanics of Running might qualify as engineering, but it's general relevance to Nevada is quite dubious. But that's what happens when the Legislature creates political institutions like UNLV.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Six Hour+ School Day

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Maybe 1-2 hours of the school day can be used for instruction. The rest is DAYCARE. We don't need more public daycare facilities. Anyone who has spent time around kids knows it's a struggle to keep them confined for any length of time. It takes a Disneyland to keep most kids engaged (even with sugary snacks and loud distractions) until they're physically unable to stand any longer. CCSD imprisons kids for 6+ hours per day, and expects them to learn ... what?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Minor League Baseball. Major League RIPOFF!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Reno [Aces play in a] new $50 million downtown facility with skyboxes and lavish suites and beautiful picnic areas

I wouldn't go see those corporate welfare queens. As the article points out, that new Reno stadium is being paid for by a special tax on auto rentals. The team is owned by a bunch of rich NY bankers. Why don't those Wall St thugs pay for it with their own money? Likewise, the article points out that LV's car rental tax is going toward construction of that new performing arts center downtown. BOYCOTT THE LAS VEGAS PHILHARMONIC.

My favorite local team is the Wranglers. They don't cost taxpayers a cent. They play in a private arena. They pay market rent. They don't have to award taxpayer-funded scholarships to get young men to play for them. They pay attractive salaries. Fans have to pay entertainment tax on the price of admission. The Wranglers are tax PRODUCERS.

The 51's are typical of major league baseball teams: tax CONSUMERS. Boycott them. Let them move to NYC where the lumpen taxpayers are forced to cough up BILLIONS to prevent super rich professional sports teams from moving to NJ.

Rulffes Wins Superintendent of the Year

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

..  according to the Nevada Association of School Administrators.

The award recognizes failure.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Rulffes Named Best Superintendent in Nevada

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

According to the Nevada Association of School Administrators.

The best superintendent should be the operator of the private school with the largest market share. Rulffes's *competitive* share would consistently rank near the bottom, along side Dugan. Time to expose the frauds.

Friday, June 26, 2009

NV Government Grows Fat In Its Sleep

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The lawmakers' Interim Finance Committee supported the new Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Authority, along with a $117,030-a-year salary for a commissioner and a $56,265-a-year salary for an executive assistant.

First of all, I don't understand how law(sausage)makers can vote on ANYTHING at this time. We're sine die and Gibbons hasn't called a special session. Secondly, this new bureaucracy is completely unnecessary. If there is a market for renewable energy, some bright fellow will figure out how to make an honest buck on it. I see the crooked politicians have already staked their claim.