Statement of Principles

Nevada government keeps getting bigger and BIGGER. We deserve minimum, strictly limited, constitutional government in this State.

Forget all this blather about a $3B "shortfall". The budget for the '12/'13 biennium should be no more than $200M.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Horsefurd Lobbies For Employment Training. His Own Firms Stands To Benefit.

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Horseford wants to use stimulus funds to train about 3,200 workers, including unemployed people, at an average cost of $3,500

You know this crook Horsefurd owns an employment training firm, don't you? You know that the unions support him, don't you? You know that "prevailing wage" protects union workers from low-priced competition. Of course you knew that Republican senators all voted YEA.

Where's The Opposition?

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

If there is a small government opposition in Carson City, I can't find it. So long as we have big government in this state, the crooked politicians will always need new sources of funding (and push existing sources to their limits). Some of these proposed tax increases are so personally objectionable that I might join the Free (cold) State Project. This is all so predictable and dull. We have one-party rule in this state: the left wing Democrats, and the ultra left wing Democrats.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hoe Much Government Can We Get?

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The crooked politicians never tire of finding "problems" which need government solutions. It's really a bottomless pit. No one should be surprised that at closing time, when it totals up the bill, the government finds itself short of funds. We need to change the debate from "How much government can we get?" to "How little govenment can we get away with?"

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Abolish PERS

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

BIG government creates big fiscal problems -- especially with future liabilities.

It's bad enough when a fiduciarily responsible government sets aside ever increasing amounts to cover future pension obligations ("pay as you go"). It's a *crime* for the scheming politicians to push those obligations into the future ("unfunded liabilities"). That's a ticking time bomb!

It's time for taxpayers who work in the private sector to *demand* that PERS be abolished. I would even favor Nevada not paying one additional cent to *current* PERS beneficiaries. There's no ethical issue. Those people have used their political influence to rob taxpayers for *decades*. It's no different than telling a thug: "Don't shoot. I'll give you $10,000!". You evade him. He sues. What jury would hold you to it?

If we had small government in this state, the budget for the biennium could be as low as $160M (down from the $6.9B the Republicrats enacted last June). No more state pensions. No more IEDs!

Financial Aid (More Subsidy)

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The state has more than 100,000 public college students.

90%+ of these parasites (staff also) are likely to vote for big government candidates. If you want to get elected, the state treasury is your best friend.

Despite NSHE subsidies, some huge percentage of students must still seek direct "financial aid" to afford it. Some rich schools are moving toward tuition-free models, but among public colleges, the large trend is for them to become entitlement programs for the WEALTHY. That's like the State subsidizing the cost of memberships at Spanish Trail CC.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Psychobabblers for BIG Government

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Nevada lawmakers were told Thursday the state needs to upgrade and expand its mental health facilities to ensure that they are safe and that federal funds aren't jeopardized.

The Nevada Constitution authorizes what we used to call "institutions". You know, for children born with severe handicaps, or those unfortunate, few adults who crack up. Like this place. The public role was never meant to explode into a comprehensive, community-based, mental health system. Nevada citizens should not have to treat the human conditions of depression, anxiety, and all the other high functioning non-problems the psyche establishment has hoodwinked us with. If those power-addicted politicians want to turn Nevada into a burn-out magnet, let them appeal to the voters for a constitutional amendment.

The federal government has NO role in mental health treatment. They have NO business telling us how much we should spend on those sorts of programs. Gibbons should tell those Washington bureaucrats to take Prozac and leave us alone. If they treaten to withhold federal highway funds, we should retaliate by imposing on a land and air blockade on Nellis.

Horsefurd Pork

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Horsefurd said: there are some things I will not cut.

Oh, cry me a darn arroyo. The arrogance of these politicians knows no bounds. Unconstitutional bureaucracies mentioned in this article, like Nevada Humanities Commission and Department of Cultural Affairs, should never have been created in the first place. And what the heck is a "state librarian", anyway?

The taxpayers are the poor, beleaguered souls who deserve a good cry.

Private Toll Roads On Public Highways. For real?

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The fewer government owned and operated roads the better. If someone wants to build a toll road on their own land, with their own money, well that is fine with me. The digest states SB-206 sets forth certain guidelines governing the construction and operation of privately operated toll roads upon public highways in this State. It would permit the NDOT to lease portions of state highways to politically connected firms. You know, the same sort of transparent and competitively bid process used to award airport concessions and school lunch contracts. Pure Republican-style, corporate welfare graft. It would create new toll-taker job opportunities for friends of politicians (who can't even qualify as change-makers at casinos), new sources of campaign cash for politicians; nothing new for motorists except greasy diamond lanes.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Small Government Gap

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Nevada will have a 30 percent gap between spending and revenue, edging out Arizona, which faces a 29.8 percent deficit .. The gap is calculated by comparing expected revenue to the sums that states see as necessary to maintain current state services.

These "gaps" always reflect the same big government phenomena: spending increases far beyond levels existing (high) tax revenues can support. Look around. You'll see.

The gap should actually be calculated by comparing existing revenues (in our case, $3B per year) to what's necessary to fund minimum, constitutional government ($100M per year). The small government gap is 2,900%.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

University of Nevada Expands Its Dubious Mission

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Nevada Cooperative Extension is just another waste of taxpayer money, brought to you by NSHE. The University of Nevada is constitutionally required to provide practical instruction in Agriculture (and two other fields). How does this translate into a "mission" to provide programs in:
  • Children, Youth and Families
  • Community Development
  • Health and Nutrition
The next time Chancellor Rogers demagogues about "devastating" NSHE funding cuts, remember all the hundreds of millions of dollars the system wastes each year.

CCSD Environmentalism

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Karyn Johnson, a community instructor with the Nevada Cooperative Extension, said: Children will never learn to respect the earth if they don't get into the earth

Government gardening -- like government eduation -- totally politicizes an otherwise worthy activity. Horticulture deteriorates into wacky environmentalism. Soon the Democrats will push for composting laws, and the Republicans will try to outgreen them by advocating tax credits for corporations which buy composting bins.

Friday, April 10, 2009

CCSD Brain Scans

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Fewer zombies mean fewer brain scans. Eliminate all CCSD assistants, deputies, liasons, coordinators, specialists, officers, adjutants, psychologists, vices, seconds, counselors, consultants, chiefs, etc. Eliminate all CCSD coaches, drivers, policemen, nutritionists, dieticians, demographers, etc.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

NSHE Bloat

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Keith Schwer, executive director at the Center for Business and Economic Research at University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

The University of Nevada is supposed to be about training the next generation of applied scientists. Why on earth does it employ freeloaders like Schwer? If Schwer wants to get paid for making economic forecasts, he and his bloated staff can sell a newsletter. NSHE is full of charlatans like this. Chancellor Rogers should eliminate the hundreds of millions of dollars wasted each year before he demagogues about "devastating" funding cuts.

Friday, April 3, 2009

John Ritter, CEO, Focus Property

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Ritter is one of 13 business leaders .. charged with proposing solutions to the state's budget problems.

Ritter is one of 13 big government stooges. Of course he said "raise taxes". A small government guy would say "cut spending". He doesn't get a seat at the table.

Naturally this guy Ritter is politically connected big-time. His web bio states: Mr. Ritter [has] knowledge in .. government relations [and ..] municipal zoning .. Ritter has created strong working relationships with federal, state and local governmental entities from staff through elected officials. Mr. Ritter has served on a number of local planning boards, including the Southern Nevada Water Authority .. and the Beltway Taskforce.

A total big government hack. He knows where his bread is buttered.

Ritter's firm employs a "VP of Government Affairs", one Mark Fiorentino. His bio credits him with: substantial experience with zoning matters and with state and local gaming license and tax matters. He has drafted ordinances, legislation, and regulations on a variety of zoning, gaming and general business issues.

Raggio Opposes Bloated Budget. Favors Gargantuan.

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Raggio said: no one will support a budget with fat or frills or which is bloated.

That's the only sort of budget Raggio *would* support. Projected revenues ($5.8B) are pretty darn close to normal. The crooked politicians want to give $1B per year extra to their friends. That's a crisis for the politicians and the parasites who feed on government spending. Small government could operate on only $100M per year. We'd be fighting over how to structure the largest tax DECREASE in the state's history.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Tax De-Simplification

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Gibbons said Arizona and New Mexico already offer "aggressive tax incentives" to recruit renewable energy companies and it is "imperative to keep Nevada competitive" through tax incentives.

Big government supports corporate welfare.

The GOP's favorite big government weapon: the tax code. Gibbons is not pushing for a general tax decrease, just one to benefit special interests. Corporate welfare is MORE government. Beware. When politicians talk about "economic diversification" and "competitiveness", they really mean increasing their control over the private sector.