Statement of Principles

Nevada government keeps getting bigger and BIGGER. We deserve minimum, strictly limited, constitutional government in this State.

Forget all this blather about a $3B "shortfall". The budget for the '12/'13 biennium should be no more than $200M.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hauck's History of Recruiting Blockheads

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Last semester, the [Montana] football team had a 2.89 cumulative grade-point average. Four players earned straight-A's, and 47 of 92 players on the roster had GPAs of at least 3.0.

Here's the '09 roster of (Montana's) FB upperclassmen:

S #4 Bio major, high GPA
QB #7 Biz
LB #10 High GPA Biz
CB #11 Not listed
QB #12 math major, high GPA, HS valedictorian
QB #18 not listed
CB #21 Sociology
RB #24 Sociology
LB #25 High GPA Biz
S #31 History
RB #34 Sociology
S #36 Biz
S #38 Biz
S #39 History
DE #42 Biz
DE #47 Sociology
HB #49 high GPA Biz
DT #54 Biz
OL #66 Sociology
OC #71 Biz
OT #72 Sociology
OT #75 Sociology
OG #77 History
WR #80 Biz
WR #81 History
TE #87 Education
TE #88 Health (?)
TE #89 Biz
DE #92 Biz
DT #99 Biz

I count two or three true student-athletes.

Abolish UNLV Football!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Coach Hauck gets paid around $450,000 per year. $450K! His assistant coaches make around $125,000 per year. $125K! The Athletic Director makes around $300,000. $300K! Is UNLV a college or an NFL training camp?

Most UNLV football playes NEVER graduate. Those who do major in ridiculous programs like Basketweaving. To recruit these "student"-athletes UNLV offers them scholarships. Sports boosters offer them cash, cars, and VP jobs after graduation. Maybe you even work for one of them.

Most competitive football players are steroid freaks. Many football players suffer from painful, crippling injuries. Many end up addicted to painkillers. MRI shows that football collisions cause permanent brain injury.

As if this isn't bad enough, we pay higher taxes to support it.

No more UNLV football. Future NFL Hall of Famers have plenty of football schools OUTSIDE of Nevada to choose from. Fanatical football fans have plenty of Cable TV choices to watch.

LV Chamber of Commerce

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

The Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce (LVCC) supports:
  • improving the performance of the state's K-12 educational system. LVCC members are CCSD service providers. LVCC has a financial stake in maintaining and expanding public education, not *improving* (privatizing) it.
  • extension of renewable energy tax incentives. Corporate welfare. The US Tax Code is the GOP's favorite device for distorting the economy. It also generates fees for LVCC members who are CPAs and lawyers.
  • Reauthorization of SAFETEA. Government highway construction contracts.
  • Healthcare reform. More regulations and tax code manipulations.
  • Immigration reform. Restrictions on competition from low-priced firms (but more billable hours for Member immigration lawyers.
  • Land Use reform Government seizure of private property for the benefit of  politically connected Members who are developers, construction contractors, Engineers or Architects.
  • Scrapping Yucca Mtn Waste Site Because not enough project money would go to Members.
The Chamber of Horrors.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Public Education Will NOT Diversify Our Economy

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

I am so sick of reading this BIG government propaganda about needing a good education system to attract new industry. As if Chinese workers are all nuclear physicists. As if those former Eastern Bloc countries are poor because they shun education. And the only reason crooked politicians want to attract new businesses is to TAX them.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

10 positions in [CCSD's] telecommunications department

CCSD operates a telephone company, a mass transit agency, a law firm, a lobbying group, sports leagues, a real estate management firm, restaurants, health clinics, a police force, and numerous other businesses.

The only business it avoids is TEACHING.


MGM For BIG Government

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

MGM's Murren said we must work together to define our objectives, generate an agenda, craft a plan of action and then pledge our resources to promoting the promise of progress.

"We must get MORE government favors while shifting the tax cast over to somebody else." The coalition for BIG government.

MGM: More Government Mandates

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

MGM's Murren said: we must work together to define our objectives, generate an agenda, craft a plan of action and then pledge our resources to promoting the promise of progress.

In other words, "How can we get MORE government favors while shifting the tax cast over to somebody else?" The coalition for BIG government.

If we had small government in this state the biennial budget would only have to be $100M/yr (+/- 20%). *Existing* mining taxes plus ~3 weeks of sales taxes would cover it. We could ABOLISH gaming taxes, entertainment taxes, business taxes, etc.

But if CCSD were redced to one little red schoolhouse, how would all those Chambers members be able to keep making money off of public education?

If the State (us) wasn't vouching for them, how would MGM ever establish an honest reputation?

We don't want any part in your dirty crap games. Build your businesses the old fashioned way instead of the shortcut government protectionist way.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Socialists For BIG Government

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Aguero said We're going to have to make an investment in renewable energy IOW "I support government efforts to tax fossil fuels in order to subsidize inefficient green energy firms which we intend to pursue as future clients". This politically connected cliche-dropper gets a lot of business from the state. And he knows NOTHING.
  • LVCVA (BIG government)
  • Applied Analysis (CPAs who couldn't make Partner for BIG government)
  • LV Chamber of Commerce (Businessmen for BIG government)
  • MGM Mirage (BIG businessmen for BIG government)
Hey Aguero. Stop mixing your metaphors and find a more commercial audience to self-promote in front of.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Patrick R. Gibbons

Originally posted in LVRJ Forum

Patrick R. Gibbons is a Conservative Socialist, but at least he understands the state budget. The so-called "shortfall" was caused by the '09 session's spending increase for FY10.

At the beginning of '09, annual revenues were ~$3B. FY09 spending was set at ~$3.2B. Budget shortfall ~$200M. Conservative Fibbons' FY10 plan was to keep spending ~at '09 levels. He proposed to raise the "extra" $200M through a new room tax and hiking the sales tax. BIG government balanced budget.

The Republicrats wanted even BIGGER government. They first gleefully passed Fibbons' room tax and then overrode his veto to boost spending to ~$3.4B/yr -- raising business taxes to pay for it.

Six months have passed. Revenues are now running at ~$2.4B/yr. THERE'S YOUR $1B "SHORTFALL".
If the Republicrats had listened to Fibbons' our "shortfall" would now be "only" $800M. We have one-party rule in this state. The COLOSSAL government liberals and the VERY BIG government conservatives.


Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Jasper is majoring in "University Studies" (jockology). Any degree program which attracts > 10% jocks should be ELIMINATED.

Hey Kruger! All the Nevada tax consumers (like you) are battling over the skrinking budget pie. Once residents figure out the scam you're pulling the Governor -- who needs to worry about his *own* job -- is not going to let you board the charter flight back from the Away game.

We should make Gibbons basketball coach. He's cheaper.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What Is A "Fair Share"?

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

"fair" share is a very loaded term. Who decides what's fair? Answer: crooked politicians who benefit from BIGGER government. It's unfair to make one group of people pay higher taxes to support another group. Anyone who defends this sort of plunder is ANTI politically vulnerable people (PRO politically strong). "fair" share for BIG government UNLV education is ~$800/credit.

Recall CCSD's Board!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Replace CCSD's (draft) Board of Education (idiots) with any board you want. That of Berkshire (Warren Buffett), Apple (Steve Jobs), Wynn; you name it. What difference would it make?

Answer: ZERO.

Whoever they pick as Superintendent would still have THOUSANDS of government regulations to comply with. The best any Board can do is hire politicians like Rulffes, Garcia, and Guinn.

You folks who disagree just don't get it. Public education is a CATASTROPHE and CANNOT be reformed.

School Committees: Political Propoganda Factories

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Board member Edwards said (something like) school committees -- on sex education, zoning, bond oversight and school naming -- are subject to the law because they were formed by the School Board.

Here we go again. Public education is a *political* institution. (Draft) Board members use it to make political statements, such as

  • "Make love not war!" (sex education committee)
  • "Honor our Vets!" [make war not love?] (school naming committee)
  • "Wall $t bailouts good!" (bond oversight committee)
  • "Downtown Redevelopment!" (zoning committee)
The education committee meets Mon thru Fri at your closest private school.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Regents Cry Cataclysm But Hire Big League Coaches.

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

NSHE uberbureaucregent Leavitt said This [cut] would be cataclysmic to the Nevada System of Higher Education

This demagogue Leavitt is too much to take. UNLV Athletic Director Livengood was just hired for $300K+. He in turn just hired a new head football coach (Hauck) for ~$450K. Hauck then recruited assistants for ~$130K -- more than most professors (who are overpaid to begin with). Basketball head coach Kruger makes $1M/yr (his assistants also handsomely paid).

The Regents sign-off on ALL of this, plus the compromised (non-existent, really) academic standards required to admit jocks and the numerous junk departments required to provide them with academic cover.

Now what's all this talk about a cataclysm?

Balance the Budget But Keep Spending High

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[Fibbons] is the only one who wants to cut spending

Fibbons does not really want to cut spending. He just wants to keep the budget *balanced*. If revenues were going up he'd be calling for MORE spending. Indeed, in Fibbons' FY '10/'11 budget proposal he promised that if/when revenues started growing again he'd call for a special session (make that 5) to RESTORE the public education reductions he was asking for.

It's the governor's constitutional duty to keep the budget balanced. Don't confuse him for a small government guy.

[Killing] Nevada Taxpayers Association

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

NTA's Mission (website): To promote the cause of the taxpayer for responsible government at a reasonable price

BIG government.

Take a look at NTA's Board. A veritable "Who's Who?" of Nevada Socialism. It is composed of tax-&-spend current and ex-politicians -- including those who have become lobbyists, representatives from mining, RR, land, construction, gaming and energy special interests, bankers, lawyers and other insiders. Its "Emeritus" Directors are even *more* notorious.

Not a free marketer in the bunch.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

CSN's Political Mission

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

If CSN is to have *any* role, it should only be to weed out students who would be incapable of passing UNR's upper-level Mining, Agriculture, and Engineering courses. However the doctrines of egalitarianism, redistributionism & cronyism ensure that CSN's mission will *always* be controlled by politics.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

CCSD Scores High On Recycling

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Tapestries woven with the fibers of shredded plastic bottles hang on the walls of the northeast valley campus

They dare not post the test scores.

I've actually seen this sort of drek in *museums*. Ghastly.

Recycling. Really.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Abolish the Nevada Film Office

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Nevada Film Office [has] seven workers and an annual budget in 2009 of more than $700,000.

The Hollywood idiots have numerous capable location scouts working for them, sharp lawyers on retainer, and multimillion dollar production budgets. They don't need NFO corporate welfare. Besides, the Nevada government has NO constitutional authority to operate a film bureaucracy.

Abolish the NFO. No more jobs for dimwit friends.

Applied Analysis

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

This firm does a LOT of business with our state and even individual politicians. Who's their lobbyist?


Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Nevada has been awarded $6 million in federal stimulus funds to retrain workers for jobs in renewable energy fields ..

It's sickening to hear these Democrats talk about jobs. The only "jobs" they create are for lawyers and lobbyists.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

CCSD is a POLITICAL Institution

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum
  • Dramaramas want it to score left wing musicals
  • Footballers want it to score touchdowns
  • Veterans want it to score memorials
  • (Draft) Board members want it to help consultants (friends) to score financially
  • Students want it to help themselves score romantically
All these groups support BIG government education. They only differ in what way. They should be more sympathetic to poor Dr. Rulffes. He has to satisfy all their competing constituencies (and more) simultaneously -- all, that is, but one.

The constituency for the 3R's fled to the private schools long ago.

Yehudim L'Memuhshalah Gedolah

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum
  • Anti-Defamation League of Nevada (Assimilated Jews for BIG government)
  • Holocaust Survivors of Southern Nevada (Yiddish-speaking Jews for BIG government)
[CCSD PE teacher] Sublette's Denial statement was made in a BIG government public school. Nazism was a BIG government political movement. The Holocaust was a BIG government "accomplishment". Ashkenazi Jews have a catastrophic, first hand experience with the evils of BIG government. So which political party do they most closely identify with?

The one that supports the most government.

Raggio Against Mining (For BIG Government)

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[Raggio] said legislators could change the definition of net proceeds and potentially reduce the number of deductions

RINO Raggio has a personal financial stake in BIG government. His law firm does legal work for the state and lobbying work for firms that need its favors. Nothing will bring out campaign bucks and lobbying fees for Raggio from our domestic mining industry like messing with their tax rules.

PLAN favors central planning out of the Soviet era. They oppose free markets. They support COLOSSAL government and wacky environmentalism. That is why so many prominent DEMs in this state donate to them.

We have one-party rule in this state. The left wing Socialists and the right wing Socialists.

CCSD Makes Rich Degenerates Richer

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Music Theatre International, which leases the script for "Rent"

Public education is a *political* institution. It provides

  • royalty checks for well-heeled Broadway producers
  • jobs for union members
  • cases for lawyers
  • enrichment activities for rich kids
Poor parents have no political power. *Their* kids receive "culturally sensitive" math instruction. CCSD race-sniffing dogs ferret out the ones with fake home zip codes to return them to their assigned skoolz, a policy no doubt inspired by The Fugitive Slave Act.

Lobbyist Picked For Senate Seat

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[Olsen] is the first lobbyist in at least 30 years to hold the temporary post.

The state legislature is one huge lobbying firm.

This RINO will do *everything* in his power to make government bigger, so that when he returns to full-time lobbying he'll have more favors in the government quiver to lobby for.

These lobbyists are the scum of the earth.

Monday, January 18, 2010

NSHE Textbooks Advocate Socialism

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Academic texts are usually writen by BIG government advocates -- especially in the social "sciences". For an illustration of what's wrong with college textbooks, here is Rothbard on Samuelson's Economics:

It is no accident that, in every succeeding edition, the colors get gaudier and, more important, the size gets bigger (868 pages in the eighth edition, 917 in the new ninth). For what the hapless undergraduate discovers in Samuelson and his flock of imitators is a vast potpourri (or kitchen midden, depending on one's point of view) of bits and smidgens of technique and of data, none of them integrated into any sort of digestible or comprehensible whole. Samuelson concluded the preface to his new edition by asserting, in his typically breezy style: "My envy goes out to the reader, setting out to explore the exciting world of economics for the first time. . . may I only say, bon appetit!" (p. xii). In contrast, my heart goes out to the poor bewildered undergraduate, confronted with this gigantic stew, ranging from opinionated wisecracks to the Giffen Paradox to marginal productivity analysis to Harrod-Domar-Modigliani growth models to notes on economists past and present to the latest ultrasophistication in reswitching analysis. What in the world can he make of all this? It is no wonder that economics is almost universally the most disliked subject in the college curriculum. ..

Samuelson and most other texts get larger each edition because they are written as compendia of received economic opinion at the time of publication. And so very little gets dropped; as new economic problems are faced in the society, more chapters—more problem areas—get added [permanently] to the [stew], whether the new fashion be underdevelopment or unemployment or inflation or the New Left or ecology.

Professors of Sleaze

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

How many of you took a college course where one of the required textbooks provided a royalty to the teaaching professor?

The worst offender is usually the guy from the Philosophy department who teaches the Ethics course.

Those English department tyrants just *love* to load you up with reading lists of *their* published material -- complete wastes of paper which no consumer with taste would ever buy. I'm talking number 87 quadrillion on Amazon's list.

Hey sleazy professors. If you require your students to use materials that you have a financial stake in, you should make them available FREE.

NSHE Bookstores

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum
  • Follett Higher Education Group operates on CSN's three local campuses
  • Barnes & Noble College Booksellers operates on UNLV
Corporate welfare. The Higher Education Opportunity Act is an example of college as a *political* institution. These institutions are used to pump money into Congressional districts, provide jobs to Democrats, and service contracts to Republicans.

Incarcerated Until Proven Innocent

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

This all starts with a derelict criminal court system. You have all the innocents behind bars who received incompetent legal representation, who are waiting for new legal facts like DNA testing and testimony recants to exonerate them. Then you have those serving sentences for non-crime crimes like drug dealing and doing some activity without a license.

Then there are the violent felons who were wrongfully convicted. They also deserve to be released. OJ comes to mind.

If we emptied the prisons of all the convicts who don't deserve to be there we could *slash* the prison budget. But Dept of Prisons is pehaps the most opaque bureaucracy in the state. A reform-minded citizen can't find any specific legal data about the prison population. What are they hiding?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A Day In The Unnecessary Court of Appeals

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

We don't need another layer of legal bureaucracy. Government by the lawyers for the lawyers.

More appeals. More motions. More courthouses and courtrooms. More arrogant judges and obnoxious government lawyers/DAs. More metal detectors, pensions, and jobs for friends. More speeding tickets. More adjournments and two hour lunches.

More intrusive court orders and improperly issued warrants.

9:00 AM. Dozens of people have been sitting on uncomfortable courtroom benches for a hour (or more), waiting .. waiting ... and waiting for things to begin.

9:30 AM. The Judge moseys in. He starts joking with the sheriffs and flirting with the clerk.

9:50 AM. The judge/clerk calls the first case. Some guy who walked in at 9:45 strolls to the front. Who's he?


Our time is valuable, too. Jerks.

Friday, January 15, 2010

CCSD's RD-Certified Junk Food

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Charles Anderson, director of the district's food service department.

Another non-teaching position. Does Anderson report to the Deputy Liason for Caloric Curriculum or the Vice Superintendent for Nutritional Negligence? You could buy a lot of RD-certified junk-food for what CCSD is paying him.

Klaich Takes Tax Consumers Down Memory Lane

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Klaich said he remembered when UNLV was a small campus, and he marveled at how it had grown.

If you subsidize it, they will come. Why should Raggio's district get all the booty?

Did any of the academic welfare queens show up to ask $300K Smatresk why he pays $1M/yr for a hoops coach, or why he maintains all those junk departments for jocks?

College Sports Accounting. Like Washington's.

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

this is a man who kept Arizona in the black for 16 years without the benefit of state funds

Fuzzy accounting, disseminated by flaks. In a sport (business) where players (employees) are officially unpaid (right), you can't talk about black/red in a way that makes business sense. Further, sports marketers (some of who make *very* nice livings off these programs) willfully overlook the REAL costs of D1, which at schools like UNLV is closer to the ENTIRE cost of the university.

That's right.

Without Nevada football and basketball to feed the sports fanatics (who are too cheap to subscribe to cable pro sports packages), political support for UNLV funding would fall sharply. Instead, we're forced to give free rides to chowderhead jocks, maintain junk departments for their academic covers, and provide financial windfalls to their coaches.

Hey Livengood. I hear the Raiders are looking for a GM. If you're so talented why don't you give Davis a call!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Too Many Consulting Contracts

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum.

the research firm Applied Analysis, which analyzed data for Sandoval ..

This politically connected firm does a LOT of business with our state and even individual politicians. Who's their lobbyist?

Why did Sandoval even need to hire a consulting firm to divine what shoud be obvious? Nevada government is way too BIG and needs to be drastically CUT. Certainly Applied Analysis' recommendations did NOT include elimination of service contracts for politically connected firms such as itself!

CCSD Discrimination

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

'Believe Me' wrote (0904) Twenty nine portables and 2 bathrooms, try that in Green Valley or Summerlin.

The racial discrimination is *not* the inferior portable classrooms and toilets at West Prep. If CCSD would just teach these kids the 3R's nobody would care even if the bathrooms doubled as classrooms. The real discrimination is that CCSD REFUSES to teach the 3R's to WP's poor Black kids -- its primary responsibility -- while providing enrichment programs to rich White ones.

This is outrageous. Where is Horsefurd when you need him?! The NSC requires a system of "common" schools. Apparently some schools are more common than others.

Why do poor parents continue to put up with an overpriced education system that teaches cultural sensitivity, basketball and self-esteem?

Nevada Bar Association Protectionism

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The Lawyer's Guild is hard at work twisting the Nevada Constitution for its own pecuniary purposes. Regarding appointment of Judges to fill vacanies, Article 6 §20.5 contains a provision which states:

If at any time the State Bar of Nevada ceases to exist as a public corporation or ceases to include all attorneys admitted to practice before the courts of this State, the Legislature shall provide by law, or if it fails to do so the Court shall provide by rule, for the appointment of attorneys at law to the positions designated in this Section to be occupied by members of the State Bar of Nevada.

I don't know exactly what the NSC currently prescribes, but any *proposed* amendment which contains a provision like this deserves to be voted DOWN. Watch for this one in November!

Judges Run Unopposed Because Non-Lawyers Can't Run

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

The Nevada Constitution is SILENT on District Judge qualifications, however NRS Chapter 3 (District Courts) is one big pile of Bar Association protectionism. Naturally, as it was crafted by the lawyer-dominated legislature.

You can't serve unless you've been a NV Attorney for 10 years. That explains why the quality of our Judges is always so poor, and the pool of candidates always so low.

The reason so many "Judges" run unopposed is because only other lawyers -- folks who might have to argue before the vindictive incumbent -- are allowed to run.

ABOLISH these unconstitutional District Judge eligibility restrictions. There are many wise, good hearted adults in this state -- who are NOT lawyers -- who would be willing to challenge incumbents and when elected, perform a MUCH better job.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

CCEA Whining

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

CCSD teachers are such whiners. Boo Hoo. I have a license, a graduate degree and 10+ years experience yet I still only get paid HALF of what a BJ dealer makes ..

Get over it! A buxom cocktail waitress with a high school diploma who makes $12,000 per month is providing 4X as much value to this economy than a plain-jane educated teacher making $3,000. Don't give me any of this nonsense about "priorities", "equity", blah blah blah. Instead of wasting your money on tuition maybe you should have invested in cosmetic surgery.

I used to work with an ex-teacher who TRIPLED her salary upon entering my 100% private sector field -- and she wasn't that pretty.

CCSD School Names

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

Many LVRJ commenters are upset that the CCSD Board has apparently not done enough to honor Vets by naming buildings, facilities, etc after them. Skool naming is a completely ridiculous political goal, with no practical benefit to education except maybe to buy off support from Veterans groups.

Rulffes Up For National Award

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Two of Rulffes' competitors are EQUALLY incompetent. Had CCSD performance dropped even LOWER, Rulffes would be a shoe-in.

Levey's district (Tuscaloosa City) is a joke. Only ~17% of its students exceed her district's unimpressive high school graduation requirements. Though .33/.15 of her 8th graders score "Advanced" on Alabama's state reading/math assessment, national standards (a bad idea) reveal how loaded these state measures can be. Her students score BELOW the national average on SAT-10.

Stevenson's district (Jefferson County, CO) gives Rulffes a run for his money. Less than 10% of kids score "Advanced" on CO's pedestrian math/reading assessments. ~1/2 score poorly.

Morgan's district (Washington County, MD) fares a little better. About 1/3 of the kids rate "advanced" on her state's assessment. No SAT-10 data available.

Public education is a CATASTROPHE and cannot be reformed.

Education LAST

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

For Fibbons, "Education First" means his highest priority is to shovel money to GOP (donor) firms who do business with the school districts. For example, construction contractors, testing services, Big Pharma, municipal bond underwriters, and so forth.

For Buckfee it means shoveling education money to the DEM constituencies. Unions, lawyers, counselors, LGBT, nutrition, etc.

Public education is a *political* institution.

For parents who want their kids to actually *learn* something, "education first" means sacrificing to send their kids to PRIVATE schools.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

We Don't Want UNLV Striving to Become a Top-Tier Research Insittution

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Those of you who want UNLV to be a "top-tier" research/teaching school are *almost* as bad as the D1 sports boosters. You both want BIG government higher education. You only differ in what way.

The moment you concede that UofNV should (also) do [X], you get NSHE. With all the waste, PC policies, junk departments, compromised admission standards, $400K faculty and administrators, etc.

Regents Provide Bread and Circuses

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Division 1 football is a HUGE distraction. But without football popular support for NSHE funding -- which pays Smatresk's bloated salary and gives political jobs to Democrats -- would evaporate. That's why the political hack Regents will continue to support football for as much as they can get away with.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

School Stamps

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

I oppose using taxpayer money for *anything* except the government's minimum constitutional roles. I oppose food stamps, housing stamps, school stamps (vouchers), arts stamps, and all the rest.

The NSC *prohibits* state funding of sectarian schools (Article 11 §10). Should CCSD fund even one such entitity, it's *entire* tax support would be put in jeopardy (§2).

NSC is ambiguous about public funding of non-sectarian private schools. Seems to me it could be done, so long as the privates were under CCSD control. That's called "charter" schools.

Friday, January 8, 2010

CCSD's Task Force For BIG Government

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Virtually all members [ of The Committee on Community Priorities (a 15-person task force) ]  favored consolidating services ..

But not eliminating them. The task force's *priority* is BIG government. A totally rigged game.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

School Vouchers

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

Conservatives love to talk about school vouchers. Uh, huh.

I want the government to issue Benz vouchers, ski vouchers, Golf/Health club vouchers, Gulfstream vouchers, and so forth. Better yet, just have Carson City issue $10,000 vouchers to every resident for any legal purpose whatsoever.

Call it "consumption" choice.

Of course I oppose BIG government and the high taxes necessary to pay for it, so my first choice is for the government to let people *keep* more of their own money, instead of letting the government dole it out to them as though they were on an allowance.

The Small Government Rating. Can Any State Hit 150?

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Nevada had the lowest number with 43.7 workers per 1,000 residents.

Apples & oranges. The study is based on flawed methodologies. It admits to "analysis limitations".

It depends how you count. I believe Nevada does *not* classify NSHE workers as state employees. Are they "local"? Are they counted at all? What about contractors?

Some states are constitutionally BIG government. Lottery commissions, authorities, income tax, etc. all require public employees of one sort or another to administer them. Larger ratios reflect a big government culture as well as poor fiscal management.

According to the "study", CA rates a 50, NY a 62 and WY an 89. Sound odd?

A government should be "rated" on whether it's as small as it can be. Under our constitution, Nevada small government could be legally had for a biennial budget as low as $80M/yr. That's right. Currently, Nevada spending is running ~$2.8B/yr (in line with revenues).

We rate a 35 (2.8B÷80M).

The lower the # the better. Observant readers would recognize that a purely Socialist state would rate <= 1! My model is incomplete. It needs a second dimension to rate Constitutions for big/small government.

At a minimum, the NSC requires six government functions:

  1. Three branches
  2. 18 public schools
  3. Three UNR applied science departments
  4. A militia
  5. Mental hospitals (benevolent institutions)
  6. Prisons
As a first approximation, NSC rates an unweighted score of 6. Our overall score should be 210 (35x6).

The USC authorizes (scores) ~18 (min/max) powers. The annual US (on) budget is ~$3T, though as a ballpark figure, it could get by on only ~$100B. That's a 30, for an overall score of 540! The former USSR would score (1, >>540).

The more economic-inclined would add a constraint that (6,35) must reasonably equal (35,6). I strongly doubt that any state can beat 150.

LVRJ Forum's Official Government Censor

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

LVRJ's government censor will approve rabidly vulgar ethnic, religious, and personally-targeted comments ad infinitum, but he'll spike reasoned, dispassionate and objective comments which conflict with his political biases.

Some forum.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Does Nevada Have The Fewest State Employees Per Resident?

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

You really can't compare states in a uniform manner. For instance, some states might classify their public education workers as state employees. Others might not. Some states are constitutionally BIG government. Lotteries, Authorities, income tax agents, etc. Larger ratios reflect a big government culture as well as poor fiscal management.

A government should be "rated" on whether it's as small as it can be. Under our constitution, Nevada small government could be legally had for a biennial budget as low as $80M/yr. That's right. Currently, Nevada spending is running ~$2.5B/yr (in line with revenues). That's ~30X the minimum.

Are we as good as we can be?

Not even close.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What Gets CCSD Backers Upset? Poor *Political* Performance!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Year in/out, CCSD performance is awful. So what generates the most popular outrage?
  • Architectural bidding process
  • Choice of high school musical
  • Football fees
  • School naming
  • In/sufficient diversity
  • Holocaust education/denial
and other fluff. The constituency for the 3R's fled to the private schools years ago.

Any member of an education special interest group -- CCEA, Administrators, 18 year old 8th graders, bond salesmen, architects, construction contractors, etc should be PROHIBITED from voting. Democracy is not supposed to equal MOB RULE.

Even if CCSD switched to year-round, 24x7 operation, performance would *still* be horrible. The only solution is to get the government OUT of education. The private sector is perfectly capable of providing enough classrooms to satisfy the demand for education services. For all parents who desire it. For all tastes and pricepoints.

Why Architects Support CCSD

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Here we go again. Public education is a *political* institution.
  • Architects see design concepts.
  • Unions see jobs at prevailing wage.
  • Municipal bond underwriters see fees.
  • Lawyers see cases.
  • on and on and on.
No wonder CCSD uses a draft. No wonder standardized test scores are low.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Why Do We Allow CCSD To Dehumanize Special Kids?

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The district spend $38,998 a year per student at the school, which compares to the district average of $7,546.33 per student.

Fuzzy accounting. CCSD spends > $10,000/yr per average student. That's right.

Why do we even let CCSD get its hands on these special kids? The Nevada constitution requires that the state provide benevolent institutions to take care of residents with severe challenges. And it does.

The constitution established public education for poor kids who want a education but otherwise wouldn't have a chance. Like most government agencies, CCSD is neglecting its limited legal mission (in this instance, to teach the 3R's to poor kids) while expaning into roles which it is NOT authorized.

It's all about the money.

Furthermore, why would anyone want to sentence such kids to the incompetent CCSD? Their parents aren't looking to teach them *football* skills. CCSD can't even teach the 3R's to "normal" kids. What makes you think they can accomplish anything with kids who have real problems? I'd sooner trust the Dept of Corrections to do a better job.

We're Not Fooled

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

We homeschool. It's not for everyone, but I STRONGLY urge parents to avoid public school.

We have a MUCH better familiarity with public education than *most* CCSD parents. We know a lot of public *and* private school parents. We have perspective. We've heard all the pedagogies. The bureaucratic forms, conferences, busywork, sensitivities, politics, etc. We see the textbooks and homework assignments. We read about the poor public school test scores. We compare all this against what our kids are doing.

We hear all the horror stories. One friend's bright, eager kid recently came home in tears after being humiliated in front of the class, a spectacle courtesy of a "credentialed" teacher in a "good" public school. Another friend's kid was actually reprimanded for READING in class. Not joking.

Private schools have negatives also, but at least they have strong feedback mechanisms. One friend was so angry at her son's $>20,000/yr private school (for "labeling" him) that she pulled him out and issued a STOP PAY on tuition installment check! Be sure the Headmaster got the message. Public school parents have no real alternative, and I'm forced to pay for it.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Public Education: Race to the Bottom

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The free market is characterized by innovation and continuous improvement. Today's Rancho HS should be WAY better than the one you graduated from in the 70's. Better teachers, more effective techniques, abundant technological resources, etc with equally dramatic jumps in price/performance. Like semiconductors.

So, golly gee. Stop waxing nostalgic about your old public high school. Government control of education means that sooner or later your favorite neighborhood school will go right down the tubes, and WON'T
come back.

Why Public Schools Exist

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Public education in this state was set up as a "safety net". The constitutional minimum is one little red schoolhouse per district (18 statewide). Attendance was optional by default. Yet
  • veterans want it to build memorials
  • union members want it to make jobs
  • football fanatics want it to score touchdowns
  • consultants and municipal bond underwriters want it to generate fees
  • (Draft) Board members want it to make "statements"
  • and on and on and on
Public education is a *political* institution.

The special interests should save your political activism for your private clubs or RJ Forums.

*Public* schools should do one thing and one thing only. Teach the 3R's. Let me know when CCSD figures out how to do that.