Statement of Principles

Nevada government keeps getting bigger and BIGGER. We deserve minimum, strictly limited, constitutional government in this State.

Forget all this blather about a $3B "shortfall". The budget for the '12/'13 biennium should be no more than $200M.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Coalition For BIG Governnment

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The Republicans represent the right (anti-abortion) wing of the Democrat Party -- which is skewed pretty far to the left to begin with. That is why when the Democrats propose a huge expansion of the federal healthcare program the Republicans can't find the right words with which to oppose them. All we hear from them is slogans like "No federal funding for abortions!" and "No cuts to Medicare!" The Republicans cannot come up with a principled argument in favor of smaller government because they are BIG government all-the-way.

The only thing Republicans stand for (statistically) is NOT-Democrat. Democrat healthcare reform bad. Republican prescription drug benefit good. Democrat war in Afganistan bad. Republican war in Iraq good. Democrat economic stimulus bad. Republican good. COLOSSAL government Democrat incumbent bad. HUGE government Republican challenger good.

Medicare is the *definition* of BIG government. Which party is defending it? I get confused sometimes.

This GOP opposition demagoging is such a crock. After this election season ends and people forget about (or are resigned to) national healthcare the Republicans will be that entitlement's BIGGEST defenders. That's right.

They way they defend the US Dept of Education, Medicare, FICA, and all the other Washington BIG government programs.

Still don't believe me? Ask your favorite Conservative candidate which Washington programs s/he wants to cut. There's ~$4T of existing, on-budget pork to choose from. It shouldn't be that hard for him/her to find a few trillion. See if s/he'll even give you a straight answer.

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