Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum
The ex-Dean's salary is outrageously high. Why does he make more than the Governor? If Sandgren is such a talented engineer he should be working in the *private* sector.
This whole notion about paying "competitive" salaries to attract top-notch NSHE faculty/admin is such a load of bull. Maybe CalTech needs (and can afford) to do that, but a *public* university should be structured more like a benevolent society. From each according to his ability, as it were.
No more Fortune-500 payscale for Profs/Deans. All we can do is pay them token honoraria (a little extra if they agree to coach football) and award them distinguished titles ("Coach", if they so desire). Professor/Dean symbolizes a fellow's commitment to *teaching/management* and his renunciation of personal financial gain.
No more leveraging the titles we bestow into lucrative private sector consulting contracts. If you covet the prestige of being addressed as "NV Professor", then sorry. Strict limits on outside income. Of course a power systems professor should be able to consult for NV Energy. All fees revert to the University of Nevada.
If a PhD, talented teacher is unwilling to abide by those rules, hire him as an instructor (part time) -- if we can afford it. If need be, recruit emeritus professors from Princeton.
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