Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum
This "one size fits all" philosophy might work for a Ford Motor assembly line (circa 1910) but it has NO place in an education system which purports to serve a 24 hr town. If we privatized education then some enterprising fellow might decide to operate an overnight kindergarten. Wouldn't *that* be an innovation!
The system we have now is like Southwest Air scheduling all their flights in/out to/of LAS between [0730-0900]/[1430-1700]. Soon only nine months a year! Shareholders would RIOT.
A private education system would operate during hours convenient to its customers, not its employees.
Of course school "years" should be variable length. Kids learn at different rates. Of course tracks should be numerous. Why does everyone have to start/stop at the same time.
We homeschool. Our kids go on break when it's convenient for *us*, not for a bunch of union members.
We increase our kids' individual work loads and complexities when *they're* ready, not when some MA/Ed bureaucrat's scheduling chart says so.
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