Originally posted in a LVRJ forum
Scott Weissinger, a school [CCSD] attendance officer
This predator is like that mean character in Chitty Bang Bang who captured and imprisoned helpless small children.
This bastard is the sort of powermonger who'd put your child in front of a firing squad for evading the draft.
This abject bounty hunter is the spiritual descendent of runaway-slave catchers.
This thug (and his colleagues) are too dumb to pass the Metro entrance exam yet they're CCSD's *most* essential employees. They keep state money coming in.
State funding is awarded through a wonkish formula based on student headcount. Absences cost. Truant officers (like Weissinger) keep the schools filled with warm bodies. The (draft) Board would soooner *burn down* the schools than fire truant officers.
We shouldn't DRAFT kids into CCSD. If they don't want to be there, or their parents don't care, it's *insane* to send truant officers out to capture them. Like MPs rounding up AWOLs.
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