Originally posted in a LVRJ forum
$280K/yr AD Livengood said: A good development person [like its $109K/yr ex-head fundraiser, Bill Brady] can quadruple what you pay them just because they're that good at raising money.
This outrage cannot pass unconfronted.
When a beggar asks you to donate to a charity (like UNLV) you might expect him to be uncompensated. After all, you want all of the money to go directly to the nominal beneficiaries (ie students). Then you find out that "Whoa!" The money is used to pay the $100K+ salary of the hustler.
I've actually met a couple of jokers like that. They were full-time fundraisers for some of those BIG charities you probably heard of. Each was making ~$400K! That's right.
UNLV is like all the other big charities out there. Probably ~96% of its charitable support goes to pay for executive salaries, wine-&-cheese parties, and Lake Tahoe chalets. Virtually NONE of the money goes to *real* students who truly need assistance. The "charity" is reserved for athletic scholarships for jocks who couldn't care less about education.
Sorry. UNLV accepts federal funds. It can't escape Title IX. The cost of Men's football is WOMEN'S football.
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