Statement of Principles

Nevada government keeps getting bigger and BIGGER. We deserve minimum, strictly limited, constitutional government in this State.

Forget all this blather about a $3B "shortfall". The budget for the '12/'13 biennium should be no more than $200M.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Don't Vote!

Orginally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Based on the BIG government caliber of the gubernatorial candidates currently announced, whoever wins the November election deserves to be recalled. A certifiable recall petition must contain valid signatures numbering >= 25% of the votes cast in the general election. The fewer the votes cast the lower the recall bar.

Hey Republicans. If your Party nominates a US Senate candidate other than Sharron, don't vote on Election Day. A recall election of the new Governor could occur as soon as July 1, 2011, possibly while a special session he called to pass the blowout FY '12/'13 is convening. That will make the shnook think twice about signing the Horsefurd-Raggio-Oceguera Republicrat budget.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Got Kids In Public School? You Don't Vote.

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Nevada public schools ill-serve ~400,000 kids. At 2.2 kids/family, that represents ~182,000 individual parents, 99% of whom must be voting age. Nevada spends > $10,000 per K-12 student (including debt service and PERS). Public school parents are receiving a huge, material benefit from BIG government. Not all of them are parasites, however.

Compulsory attendance laws *force* parents to put their kids in school, leaving them little choice but to sign up for the public education system (at least until age 16). If we abolished truancy laws ~80% of the kids would dropout. Therefore, 20% of public school parents (but 100% of those with kids >= age 16)) should be disenfranchised.

That would be ~50,000 voters.

UNLV Kinesiology

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The UNLV Kinesiology program is just another jock major, used to provide academic cover to jocks who couldn't care less about education. Elimininate it. The jocks affected can always take Bio 196-197, along with the pre-meds.

Kinesiology is a JOKE degree. It contains about as much science as stamp collecting. Fold UNLV's program into one of those *real* Biology degree programs -- you know, the ones with *serious* requirements and standards -- and watch the Kinesiology types switch into one of those ridiculous Sports Education jock degree programs.

Disenfranchisement NOW!

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Anyone who receives a direct, material benefit from the governement should NOT be allowed to vote. I don't mean citizens who use the roads, parks, courts or swim in Lake Mead. I mean those who have a financial stake in BIG government.

No more federal voting rights for those who work for (or retired from) Uncle Sam or its contractors. No federal voting rights for those who receive FICA or Medicare, Section 8 vouchers, food stamps, etc. No more federal voting rights for workers/retirees for/from the DoD (or its contractors), the Depts of this-&-that, etc. Active duty US Military OK (it's debatable).

No more state voting rights for workers/retirees of the NV government (or its contractors). Disenfranchise CCSD employees/contractors, NSHE employees/contractors/students, UMC workers and ER patients, employees/contractors of NVDOT/NHP/NVDMV/etc.

No more state voting rights for members of special interest groups which receive government-sanctioned, monopoly protection which affords them economic advantage. Deregister union members, Attorneys, Physicians, PE's, RE brokers, etc.

The coalition for BIG government counts all these favorees as members. In toto ~10% of voters in this state. An unbeatable, self-interested bloc.

Actually, that 10% figure is just the BIG government, inner-orbit coalition (employees, contractors, & PERS). Many more voting bodies are in BIG goverment outer-orbit.



In FY '07, in this state, on avg, each month, 92,353 people received gov benefits such as Mental Health services & food stamps. No way of knowing how many of them are current public employees.

168,197 were eligible for Medicaid.

According to NSHE's budget request, in FY '07 NSHE served 61,322 students, > 90% undergraduates. ~85% of them are NV residents.

~250,000 of our residents are eligible for FICA/Medicare.

Small government doesn't stand a chance!

** Statistics taken from gov pubs, NPRI, RGJ, etc.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Library District Promises

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

The kids can't read. What do we need libraries for?

Library districts, transportation authorities, and all the rest are just BIG government. These politically controlled, nonessential services are always sold to a skeptical voting public with high-ball promises (sales pitches) of low costs ("free?!", convenient schedules, pent up demand which the private sector can't satisfy, etc. The promises, Promises, PROMISES keep coming until the crooked politicians finally hit enough voter "hot buttons" to pass the measure.

Eventually, after the photo-op ribbon-cutting ceremonies have passed and all the political constituencies have been paid off (ie jobs for DEMs, parking spaces for the Blind, construction and muni-bond fees for GOPs), economic reality sets in. The first things the politicians eliminate are the "must have" features the public was counting on when they voted YES.

The few jobs cut here and there are token concessions designed to distract us from the fact that our taxes will NOT be reduced accordingly. Nope, we're left holding the bag for the huge fixed costs.

Scheming BIG government wins again.

LobbyList For Sue

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

You can't spell "lobbyist" without L-I-S-T. He's another one of those creeps who spent his political career making government BIGGER and its ways more inscrutable, so that as a "private" citizen he could sell his fixer (bagman) services to special interests (like Nuclear) at $500/hr plus expenses.

In our "pay to play" system shnooks like LobbyList win no matter who gets elected. It's just easier for him to work with rich, nice looking, finishing school, insider types like Sue.

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

College football players absolutely SHOULD be paid. Most will never make the NFL. Many will finish their careers with painful, permanent injuries.

Most never grauduate. Those that do typically major in worthless, basketweaving programs.

How much does USC pay its football players? The front line as a whole must be worth as much as the Coach. Do you mean to tell me that the guy who takes tickets at the Coliseum gate can get paid for each game but the Trojans' star QB can't?

Hey Rebel footballer starters. This is likely your only chance to make money off your obsolescing skill. Tell Coach Hauck that you're NOT going to play unless he kickback some of his delicious $400K salary with you. What's he going to do -- recruit a Chemistry major to replace you?

Hauck gets paid to WIN. He'll cave.

Pay UNLV Football Players

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

College football players absolutely SHOULD be paid. Most will never make the NFL. Many will finish their careers with painful, permanent injuries.

Most never grauduate. Those that do typically major in worthless, basketweaving programs.

How much does USC pay its football players? The front line as a whole must be worth as much as the Coach. Do you mean to tell me that the guy who takes tickets at the Coliseum gate can get paid for each game but the Trojans' star QB can't?

Hey Rebel footballer starters. This is likely your only chance to make money off your obsolescing skill. Tell Coach Hauck that you're NOT going to play unless he kickback some of his delicious $400K salary with you. What's he going to do -- recruit a Chemistry major to replace you?

Hauck gets paid to WIN. He'll cave.

Agassi Dropped Out of CCSD. Do As He Did ..

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[AA] spends about $13,000 per student each year, more than twice what local public schools spend.

Actually, CCSD spends > $10,000 per kid, when you account for capital budget, interest, and PERS.

Charter schools are PUBLIC schools.
Charter schools are *taxpayer* funded schools.
Charter schools are just another public education gimmick, like NCLB, empowerment, magnets, Race to the Top, and on and on and on. Charter schools are a CATASTROPHE and ought to be abolished.

What is this nonsense about giving admission preference to residents within a 2 mi radius? How would folks react if public parks in Summerlin were similarly rationed?

What does it tell you when a CCSD dropout can write an autobiography but many CCSD graduates can't even spell their own names? I didn't read AA's book. Did he come clean about steroid use? He sure did put on a lot of muscle mass during his absence and subsequent comeback!

Hey Agassi. You wisely dropped out of school in 8th grade. Why do you want to lend your name to ruining these kids? Open a tennis academy and give these kids a truly useful skill.

Don't Fill Out That Census Form

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

for every person not counted in Nevada, the state will lose $917 in federal money every year

"Federal" money is simply redistribution (to political cronies) of the tax dollars we pay to Washington. The "loss" is money the crooked politicians stole from us in the first place.

Redistricting is a dirty business, the political equivalent to making sausage. One reason why it's hard to unseat incumbents is because almost all districts are noncompetitive.

The Nevada census is going to be off by at least one.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

UNLV Majors Crafted For Dumb Jocks

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[Jocks] take the same difficult math, english composition and biology classes that non athletes take ..

Propaganda, spread by sports boosters.

Biology (and no doubt the other serious life science programs) requires Bio 196-197 and Math 181 (Calc). Kinesiology requires Bio 189 and Physio 223-224 -- science courses for NON-majors -- and Math 124 (Algebra). *All* complete jokes. The X education programs have even *lower* standards.

Everyone takes English Composition but somehow I doubt that a passing grade is hard to come by.

UNLV College of Athletics

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Based on Endowment accounts, UNLV should *eliminate* ~1/2 of its colleges (like Science) and establish a formal College of Athletics, which would offer degree programs in Baseball, Football, etc. This would allow jocks to pursue their goal of professional sports training without compromising the rest of the University.

I do not really oppose that idea. BIG government sports education is no better/worse than BIG government *science* education.

UNR Engineering Goes Green (Taxpayers Lose)

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

We don't want BIG government, politically controlled federal grants funding bureaucracies in this state. Next thing you know UNR will announce a Basketweaving Institute!

Don't get me wrong. Geothermal Engineering seems like a valid program for a Nevada public university which was constitutionally chartered to teach engineering, but the money to fund it should come from the Trust. As such, cutoff funding for the ridiculous, politically motivated UNR programs (like College of Education) and use the money to broaden the core ones.

Smatresk's Priorities

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Smatrick constantly politicizes UNLV with his threats to cut (or raise fees for) serious academic programs while he defends ridiculous majors for jocks, scholarships even for OUT-OF-STATE jocks who couldn't care less about education, high salaries for coaches, Offices of Left Wing political goals, and all the rest.

If the UNLV baseball team were composed of applied science majors then win or lose, I would be its biggest fan. The Coach could be a member of the Chemistry faculty; assistants her graduate students. The pay is $75/game. Anyone who can teach Physical Chemistry should have little difficulty explaining how to turn a double play.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

UNLV Baseball Studying pre-MLB; So Why Was Gouldsmith Fired?

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

.. because he has a .500 career record. BTW, Coach Gouldsmith was making ~$75K.

Here's the 2010 UNLV BaseBall team roster:

#1 Beaty, majoring in Communications. Not serious.
#3 Berke, majoring in Sociology. Not serious.
#9 Beuerlein, majoring in Physical Education. Not serious.
#25 De La Cruz, majoring in Physical Education. Not serious.
#39 DeWeese, majoring in Sociology. Not serious.
#20 Feiner, majoring in Physical Education. Not serious.
#6 Frierson, majoring in Physical Education. Not serious.
#35 Gilbertson, majoring in Physical Education. Not serious.
#34 Hutchinson, majoring in Physical Education. Not serious.
#49 Javate, majoring in Kinesiology. Not serious.
$5 Jimenez, majoring in Physical Education. Not serious.
#36 Kretchmer, majoring in Kinesiology. Not serious.
#28 Nading, majoring in Physical Education. Not serious.
#12 Roundy, majoring in Physical Education. Not serious.
#33 Singer, majoring in Business Finance. Semi-serious.
#40 Thomas, majoring in Physical Education. Not serious.
#38 Whitsett, majoring in Communications. Not serious.
#7 Wilson, majoring in Kinesiology. Not serious.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Mark Amodei

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The Nevada Republican Party elected state Sen. Mark Amodei as its new chairman

Amodei is BIG government all-the-way. He wouldn't recognize a small-government candidate if one came along dressed up in a Don't Tread on Me! constume.

Maybe next time the GOP will choose Reid.

Party Chair is all about keeping the donors happy. That means recruiting candidates who will implement the donors' agenda. Donors are generally special interests who benefit from government favors. Is it any surprise then that *both* major political parties support BIG government?

The Democrats and Republicans are like the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks. Different sides of the same Socialist coin.

Job Security For UNLV Researchers

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

If reprocessing questions are answered during the next few decades or sooner ..

Cosmological-lifetime employment for nuclear chemists and a black hole for taxpayer money. Research is an uncertain activity best left to the *private* sector. The half life of a government program makes Tc look like 204Pb.

Not everything the private sector does should be done, but that which it does not do should NOT be done.

Basic research is an activity with a very low time preference (payoff in the distant future), not unlike planting tree seedlings to make 2x4's. But unlike timber, the practical value of future scientific discovery is impossible to quantify. The only way to make economic sense of it is to make it *highly* focused. The way Intel tackles miniaturization and Genentech virology. Purely academic research has no market discipline. Like all governent programs.

I also oppose public university research funded (corrupted) by private firms.

Controlled Experiments For CCSD

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Some have suggested breaking up CCSD into a handful of smaller districts.

Start by dividing CCSD in two. Give one half to Rogers and the other half to Rulffes. Equal census, demographics, etc. Normalize for all the factors. Wait 5 years, then standardize test the two districts. No significant difference will be observed. Results for *both* groups will be dreadful.

Repeat the experiment with any two Superintendents of your choice. Bill Gates, Elaine Wynn, Ken Guinn, etc. No difference will be observed. Choice of Superintendent does *not* matter.

Then test the funding variable. Give one district $20,000/kid, the other $4,000 per. No difference.

Test the "alternative" model. Turn all the schools into charters, magnets, empowerments, etc. No difference.

Why so incorrigible? Public schools have to comply with *thousands* of education regulations. Private schools are free to innovate. Most don't, but at least they have a chance.

Get rid of all the ridiculous reguations -- starting with compulsory attendance. Give us 15,000 small districts. Each one a little red schoolhouse.

Friday, May 14, 2010

UNLV Football Coach's Night Out

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

It was a recruiting trip. How many football players have received free lap dances as an inducement to play for UNLV?

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Disenfranchise Public Union Members

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The ESEA is the second largest union in the district with about 12,000 members. Every one of them VOTES. As a bloc. What politician can afford to oppose them? You could make the same argument about all the other public employee unions in this state.

We give teachers, firefighters, etc a legal, protected monopoly. They shouldn't be able to use their monopoly wages and key voting strength to extort even more blood out of the taxpayers.

A casino union (like Culinary) should use its own capital to buy a controlling stake in MGM, and then replace the CEO with someone who will give them 10% annual raises. AFAIK, that's perfectly legal. Why don't they?

Because non-union shareholders would dump the stock. The share price would fall to book value. The union would take a bath. Public unions leverage their political and financial strength to control the crooked politicians. Taxpayers' only recourse is to dump their homes.

That's why you can't give voting rights to *public* union members.

CCSD Grant Writing

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

  1. a narrative that would capture the attention of the grant evaluators.

    More non-teaching positions for grant writers and lawyers. Public education is a jobs program for college-educated derelicts.
  2. Allison Serafin, the executive director of Teach for America in the Las Vegas Valley, is a member of the governor's task force and was responsible for the section of the application that calls for more investment of her organization. Serafin said there was no conflict of interest.

    I see. Public education is all about lucrative service contracts to politically connected firms.
  3. Superintendent of Public Instruction Keith Rheault said the two counties were concerned they would not receive much money for their effort under the funding formulas. Because the state Department of Education has promised to supplement their shares, they have agreed to reconsider the endorsement, Rheault said.

    Public education is a *political* institution.
  4. new evaluation standards for teachers and principals, and creating an accountability task force
    More regulations. More bureaucracy. Public education is a CATASTROPHE, and cannot be reformed.

UNLV Football Integrity: Roughing the Taxpayers

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

$280K Livengood said we have a responsibility to the integrity of the program and perception of our program.

What "integrity" is that? How do we know it was a *personal* trip? Because $400K Coach Hauck says so? No way!

The Regents -- the bozos accountable to the taxpayers for the way NSHE funds are spent -- should conduct an independent, *public* investigation.
  • Was Gregorak's trip/expenses charged to a UNLV AD credit card?
  • Does UNLV football have any Colorado high school prospects on its recruitment list?
  • Has Gregorak visited strip clubs on his previous, "official" recruiting trips, either for UNLV or Montana?
The Boulder DA could answer many of these questions. Let's hope he comes through. Don't count on it, though. He can't even figure out who killed JeanBenét.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Fluff Courses Out

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

UNLV's left wing faculty supports every one of those ridiculous "Leadership" programs except *Military* leadership.

Save Urban Horticulture! That's a serious science program, with *real* requirements like Organic/Bio Chem, Physics, Calc/Stats, etc. Applied Biology is a legitimate function of a state university. Urban Horticulture should be the *only* major available to jocks.

Informatics is a light science program. Too much required fluff. Dump it.

MFT is another left wing, bonehead program. Majors are taught that all society's problems are caused by employment discrimination.

Pro Golf Management. Really.

CCSD: One HUGE Conflict-of-Interest

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Public education is a *political* institution. It's all about
  • Retainers to politically connected law firms.
  • Lucrative union contracts.
  • Lawsuits for shysters.
  • Sinecures for friends.
CCSD is a HUGE government bureaucracy. It has to satisfy *dozens* of competing special interest groups. CCSD is one BIG conflict of interest. Teaching the 3R's -- if that mission ever existed -- gets completely lost in all the politicking.

Besides, the true constituency for education fled to the private schools long ago.

Those of you who believe that CCSD is about "the kids" need look no further than all the ridiculous, self-interested unions which fight tooth-&-nail to keep their good things going. And this is just the stuff that we can see.

The sort of crooked deals which go on among Legislators, Board Members, BIG political donors (representing special interests in construction, finance, textbooks, food service, etc), in expensive restaurants here in LV, up in Carson City, and even at exclusive tropical resorts, I can only imagine.

Monday, May 10, 2010

UNLV Eliminates Academic Programs Which Don't Advance Football

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

UNLV .. does have experience with eliminating programs .. [which do not further] the university's mission.

The mission of UNLV is to play football. Very few jocks major in computer science or engineering. Those programs do *nothing* to provide jocks with the academic cover necessary to make them NCAA eligible. Therefore, they're prime candidates for elimination.

Smatrick must EXPAND the number of jock majors. It looks really bad when 90% of the jocks major in Interdisciplinary. BTW, here are the requirements for that Jockology department:

Notice they wouldn't challenge a 5th grader. Nevertheless, few jocks can get through the "program".

Smatresk Con Job

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Two years ago, the bachelor's degree in University Studies was eliminated. The program had about 400 students in it, but Smatresk, then the provost, didn't believe it fit with the university's mission.

Pure spin. The reason University Studies was phased out was because of an embarassing USA Today article which revealed that some huge percentage of majors were JOCKS.

Yeah, all but 50 of them have "finished", but that just means they've dematriculated from UNLV, not that they completed their degree. Probably fewer than 15% of them *ever* went to class, much less graduated.

"Interdisciplinary", AKA Jockology.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Union Seniority More Valuable Than Results

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Teachers who have worked in the district for 14 years or more are no longer eligible for pay increases based on experience.
Most of them should be weeded out. Their jobs given to younger, more motivated, less expensive employees. It's always the same story with the unions. Job security based on seniority.

A private teaching firm would always be on the lookout for hot, young talent with executive material. Those are the kinds of go-getters who would get picked (ie promoted to Principal) to operate *expansion* schools.

Protectionism For CCEA Members

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

preserve pay increases based on a teacher's academic credentials
Whenever I see a business which gives raises based on acquisition of academic letters I know it's an enterprise which is dominated by the GOVERNMENT. A teacher's worth should be measured by how well she teaches and how many, not by how much idiotic pedagogy she has soaked up in a lecture hall.

Kobe would not make even 10¢/hr more if he held a PhD in Hoops.

I know an in-house trainer for a Fortune 50 firm. He doesn't have a lot of formal education but he gets the job done. For that he's well-paid. Don't know whether he received a raise this year.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Privatize Our Federal Lands

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

As sort of a condition of entry into the Union, Nevada pledged to forever respect federal lands within our boundaries. See "Ordinance §3" (NSC) Good luck getting this state behind the federal lands privatization effort!

Actually, Nevada could expedite this by only awarding its electoral votes to presidential candidates who promise to privatize. The way the Southern States ended Reconstruction. Good luck with that. The two BIG Government Parties have rigged state election law to ensure that their respective candidate gets the votes unconditionally.

Cry Me a Rebel River

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

[Beuerlein] will graduate this summer

I doubt it. The graduation rate for jocks is *significantly* lower than that of non-jocks.

Beuerlein is majoring in "sport management and physical education". Pre-MLB. Jockology. Not serious. The program is so ridiculous that even Smatrick can't defend it. He's going to discontinue it.

UNLV is not supposed to be a MLB farm team. Why do taxpayers continue to give scholarships to jocks who couldn't care less about education? Why do we continue to fund junk departments which give jocks academic cover? This "triumph over adversity" story must have planted by UNLV's Sport Management faculty as a way to further politicize the department and save their jobs.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Motorcyclist Killed By CCSD Bus

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Another victim of public education.

Don Gustavson (R-Sparks) is the only pro-freedom guy in Carson City. Every session he sponsors a motorcycle helmet choice bill. It never gets out of committee. He can't even get votes from legislators who identify themselves as "pro-choice".

Don is resigning his Assembly seat to run for state Senate. He deserves our support.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Millenium Scholarships: Bad For Nevada

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

The [Millenium] program now costs $25 million a year, but that total is increasing by about $1 million per year.

What is this $25M++/yr taxpayer burden to fund Millenium Scholarships? When the UNV was "sold" to a skeptical voting public, that annual expenditure wasn't part of the deal. Neither was the $14M/yr the state gives to fund NCAA sports, nor the hundreds of millions we spend each year on NSHE.

Too Much Nevada Government

Originally posted in a LVRJ forum

Lawyer Polsenberg said It was a clever legislator's trick to pass the spending side ... and then be forced to vote on whether to pass the revenue

It's not "clever". Under NSC Article 9 §2 it's the law.

The crooked politicians allocate the first 115 days of the legislative session to impose upon us as much government as they can think of. More K-12. More football scholarships. More senior, mental health, and employment training programs.

More retirement benefits for state employees.

Pile it on.

When they add it all up .. SURPRSE! Government in the next biennium needs to be 10% larger than it already is. For FY '12/'13 the Republicrats are hinting 20% (~$8.2B)!  A small government legislator would vote NAY on all government spending except that which is absolutely, constitutionally required. The three branches, 18 public schools, three UNR applied science departments, a few other small things, and that's it. ~$200M.

In correct sequence, next starts the acrimonious five day debate over how to pay for it. That typically means higher business and sales taxes, though it would be perfectly legitimate for legislators to fund BIG government through user fees. For instance, $10,000 per K-12 student. $800 per UNLV credit. That sort of thing. A small government legislator would have little problem voting YEA to such "new" taxes. That is, "no" on the spending, "yes" on the taxes.

Seems like every session you get a few "Conservatives" who vote YEA on the spending and NAY on the funding mechanism. As if BIG government will somehow pay for itself. Of course lets them demagogue I SUPPORT public education! and No new taxes!

That's clever like a thief.

Hannibal Sandoval

Originally posted in a LVRJ Forum

Hannibal Sandoval lawyered That is not raising taxes

Let's be fair to the RINO. An AG cannot raise taxes. But it is also true that Sandoval's role in Guinn's tax hike cannot be dismissed as simply a lawyer reresenting his client.

The AG is supposed to provide a legal opinion. Sandoval probably told Guinn "you have a good case".

Strike 1.

The AG must take legal action when the Governor so directs. He can also take legal action INDEPENDENT of the Governor. The NSC is silent about tie-breaks. That is, when the Governor wants to sue and the AG doesn't.

Constutional issues aside, Sandoval could have simply refused to comply. The way that Cortez-Masto has refused to participate in Fibbons' Obamacare lawsuit.

Strike 2.

Sandoval is a close political ally of archetype RINO Raggio. He even works at the same politically connected, BIG government law firm.